11)) + [10] * 3) * 4 base_names = ['A'] + list(range(2, 11)) + ['J', 'K', 'Q'] cards = [] for suit in ['H', 'S', 'C', 'D']: cards.extend(str(num) + suit for num in base_names
route("/delete",methods=["post"]) def delete(): id_list = request.form.getlist("delete") for id in id_list: content = OnegaiContent.query.filter_by(id=id).first() db_session.delete(content) db_session.commit() return redirect(url_for("index")) @app.route("/top") def top():...
# The 'rolls' key is a list of (color, icon) tuples with the # exact roll result information. # Example of a roll() return value: # {'brains': 1, 'footsteps': 1, 'shotgun': 1, # 'rolls': [('yellow', 'brains'), ('red', 'footsteps'), ...
...、系统抽样 # stratified_col: 需要分层的列名的列表 list,只有在分层抽样时才生效 # k: 抽样个数或抽样比例 int or float ## (int, 则必须大于...0; float,则必须在区间(0,1)中) ## 如果 0< k <1, 则 k 表示抽样对于总体的比例 ## 如果 k >=1, 则 k 表示抽样的个数;当为分层抽样时...
'[:5]# Create a string from a larger string.'Hello'>>>['cat','dog','rat','eel'][2:]# Create a list from a larger list.['rat','eel'] 冒号(:)分隔要放入正在创建的新列表中的项目的开始和结束索引。如果省略冒号前的起始索引,如在'Hello, world!'[:5]中,起始索引默认为0。如果省略...
) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 重复抽样的均值: np.mean(sample_mean) 1. 255.73952966666664 1. 总体均值: pop.mean() 1. 253.241 1. 样本均值: sample.mean() 1. 255.68 1. 可以发现上述三者基本一致 准备好这10000份数据集,以备后续使用: sample_total = [] for _ in ...
**>>>frompathlibimportPath>>>importcsv>>>fromcollectionsimportOrderedDict>>>defget_fuel_use(source_path):...withsource_path.open()assource_file:...rdr= csv.DictReader(source_file)...od = (OrderedDict(...[(column, row[column])forcolumninrdr.fieldnames])...forrowinrdr)...data =list(...
def init_table(self): QTableWidget.clear(self.table) self.table.setRowCount(19) self.table.setColumnCount(4) self.mknum = self.table.rowCount() - 15 row = list(map(str, list(range(1, self.table.rowCount(), 1))) for i in range(self.mknum): row.insert(0, '') ...