要了解详细信息,请查看这里:https://github.com/actions/setup-python 我们已经有了 Python 环境,我们还需要requirements.txt中的应用程序依赖关系,这是我们用pip安装的。这时,我们可以着手运行make test目标,它将触发我们的 Pytest 套件。如果我们的测试套件测试通过,我们继续安装前面提到的 linter——pylint、flake8 ...
The currently supported code linters are: flakeheaven, using reviewdog to annotate code changes on GitHub. This action was created from reviewdog's awesome action template. Current status For push events to the master branch: Usage name: linting on: [pull_request] jobs: flakehell: name: lint...
这股风气也被悄然带入到了其他解释性语言领域,Ruby 使用 Rust 实现 YJIT 编译器;在 Python 语言领域,出现了Ruff项目,官方简介: 一个用Rust编写的非常快速的Python linter:比现有的linter快 10-100 倍⚡️ Ruff利用RustPython的 AST 解析器,实现自己的 AST遍历、visitor 抽象和 lint 规则逻辑。它目标是比其...
tools: python-ruff: &python-ruff lint-command: "ruff check --config ~/myconfigs/linters/ruff.toml --quiet ${INPUT}" lint-stdin: true lint-formats: - "%f:%l:%c: %m" format-command: "ruff check --stdin-filename ${INPUT} --config ~/myconfigs/linters/ruff.toml --fix --exit-zer...
GitHub Actions是帮助你自动化开发工作流的作业 / 管道。你可以使用它们创建单个的任务,然后将它们合并到自定义工作流中,然后在每次推送到存储库或创建发布时执行这些任务。 GitHub Package Registry是一个包托管服务,与 GitHub 完全集成。它允许你存储各种类型的包,例如 Ruby gems 或 npm 包。我们将使用它来存储 Do...
本周刊归档在 Github 上,已收获 800+ star 好评,如果对你有帮助,请给颗 star 支持一下吧:github.com/chinesehuazh 文章&教程 1、Ruff:一款极其快、兼容 Black 的 Python 格式化工具 我在今年 4 月份介绍过 性能最快的代码分析工具 Ruff,当时发现它不局限于 Linter 的定位,还提供了部分 Formatter 的功能。现在...
Using ALE: should be enabled by default when mypy is installed, or can be explicitly enabled by adding let b:ale_linters = ['mypy'] in ~/vim/ftplugin/python.vim Emacs: using Flycheck Sublime Text: SublimeLinter-contrib-mypy PyCharm: mypy plugin pre-commit: use pre-commit mirrors-mypy,...
{"editor.codeActionsOnSave":{"source.fixAll":true}} Just like Charlie, you can use the extension template to create a VS Code extension for your own favorite linter or formatter and do it by changing mainly Python code! For more information about the template, please reference ourAugust 202...
- chore(various): Fix linter warnings (#82494) by @lobsterkatie - ref(insights): Split out `getAxisMaxForPercentageSeries` (#82493) by @gggritso - fix(ecosystem): Track metrics for issue detail ticket creation (#82436) by @GabeVillalobos - ref(aci): pass WorkflowJob into process...
https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle https://github.com/PyCQA/mccabe pylint - Most intelligent Python linter. It's able to infer a lot using only static analysis, thereby finding subtle bugs. However, it's criticized for unfriendly defaults: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint flake8-bugbear...