Generate QR Codes in Different ModesWe are going to use the segno library to generate QR codes as this is the only library that supports structured append.Numeric QR Codes qrcode = segno.make_qr("9780593230060",mode="numeric") Alphanumeric QR Codes qrcode = segno.make_qr("DYNAMSOFT",...
自定义形状:可以通过继承qrcode.image.base.BaseImage类来实现自定义二维码图片形状和风格。 生成动态二维码:可以结合其他库,如PIL(Python Imaging Library)来创建动态的二维码,例如在二维码中嵌入GIF、视频等内容。 带有Logo的二维码:可以将Logo或图标嵌入到生成的二维码中,使其看起来更加个性化和专业。 生成彩色二维码:...
Qrcode:生成二维码 安装qrcode:sudo easy_install qrcode 测试代码(在命令行输入):qr "test" > test.png python代码: importImageimportqrcode qr=qrcode.QRCode( version=2, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H, box_size=10, border=1) qr.add_data("
This module uses image libraries, Python Imaging Library (PIL) by default, to generate QR Codes. It is recommended to use thepillowfork rather than PIL itself. What is a QR Code? A Quick Response code is a two-dimensional pictographic code used for its fast readability and comparatively la...
Introduction to myqr parameters We often use a module myqr in the MyQR library to create QR codes, which is very simple.The reference method is “ from MyQR import myqr as mq”. Its parameters are as follows: Words: QR code content, link or sentence ...
print(f"QR code has been saved to {file_name}") else: qr.make() qr.print_tty() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [options]') parser.add_argument('--qrcode', "-q", action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't generate a QR code") ...
Python library to generate Swiss QR-bills From 2020, Swiss payment slips will progressively be converted to the QR-bill format. Specifications can be found on This library is aimed to produce properly-formatted QR-bills as SVG files either from command line inpu...
qrcode.image.svg.SvgFillImage qrcode.image.svg.SvgPathFillImage The QRCode.make_image() method forwards additional keyword arguments to the underlying ElementTree XML library. This helps to fine tune the root element of the resulting SVG:import qrcode qr = qrcode.QRCode(image_factory=qrcode....
库名称简介PIL(Python Image Library),基于Python的图像处理库,功能强大,对图形文件的格式支持广泛,内置许多图像处理函数,如图像增强、滤波[算法]等。 Pillow,图像处理库,PIL图像库的分支和升级替代产品。 Matplotlib,著名的绘图库,提供了整套和matlab相似的命令API,用以绘制一些高质量的数学二维图形,十分适合交互式地进...
库名称简介PIL(Python Image Library),基于Python的图像处理库,功能强大,对图形文件的格式支持广泛,内置许多图像处理函数,如图像增强、滤波[算法]等。Pillow,图像处理库,PIL图像库的分支和升级替代产品。Matplotlib,著名的绘图库,提供了整套和matlab相似的命令API,用以绘制一些高质量的数学二维图形,十分适合交互式地进行...