pagenos=set()forpageinPDFPage.get_pages(fp,pagenos,maxpages=maxpages,password=password,caching=caching,check_extractable=True):interpreter.process_page(page)text=retstr.getvalue()fp.close()device.close()retstr.close()returntextconvert_pdf_to_txt("./input/2020一号文件.pdf") 输出效果如下: textra...
To convert PDF to text using Python, you need the following tools. 1: Poppler for Windows It is a PDF rendering library that also includes the pdftoppm utility. 2: pdftotext Module It is a Python module that wraps the utility to convert PDF to text. ...
Convert PDF Into Text in Python With PyPDF2 The first method we will work on is the PyPDF2 library. We will install it usingpip install PyPDF2inside the terminal. Once that is done, we will create a new file and name Next, we will navigate to the file and type in the...
Rule-based method can't 100% convert the PDF layout Documentation Installation Quickstart Convert PDF Extract table Command Line Interface Graphic User Interface Technical Documentation (In Chinese) API Documentation Sample About Open source Python library for converting PDF to DOCX. pdf2docx.readthedo...
WAV2SWF Converts WAV audio files to SWFs, using the L.A.M.E. MP3 encoder library. AVI2SWF Converts AVI animation files to SWF. It supports Flash MX H.263 compression. Some examples can be found at examples.html. (Notice: this tool is not included anymore in the latest version, as...
import PyPDF2 from pdf2image import convert_from_path import tqdm def pdf_to_jpg(pdf_path, output_folder): # 将PDF每一页转换为PIL image对象列表 images = convert_from_path(pdf_path,dpi=150,poppler_path=r'D:\software\Release-23.11.0-0\poppler-23.11.0\Library\bin') if not os.path.ex...
PDF to HTMLPDF to TEXTPDF to SVG 将PDF 转换为图像 示例:PDF 到图像转换的 C# 代码 importaspose.pdfasap input_pdf = DIR_INPUT +"many_pages.pdf"output_pdf = DIR_OUTPUT +"convert_pdf_to_jpeg"imageStream = io.FileIO(output_pdf +"_page_1_out.jpeg","x") // 装入文档 document = ap....
PyMuPDF1.18.16:PythonbindingsfortheMuPDF1.18.0library. Versiondate: 2021-08-0500:00:01. BuiltforPython3.8onlinux(64-bit). 2. 打开文档doc= 这将创建Document对象doc。文件名必须是一个已经存在的文件的python字符串。 也可以从内存数据打开文档,或创建新的空PDF。您还可以将文档用作...
WAV2SWF Converts WAV audio files to SWFs, using the L.A.M.E. MP3 encoder library. AVI2SWF Converts AVI animation files to SWF. It supports Flash MX H.263 compression. Some examples can be found at examples.html. (Notice: this tool is not included anymore in the latest version, as...