$ condainstallconda-pack 1. 然后,进入一个空的目录,并使用以下命令创建一个离线安装包的存储库: $mkdiroffline-packages $cdoffline-packages $ conda pack /path/to/example-library 1. 2. 3. 这将创建一个名为offline-packages的目录,并将example-library及其所有依赖项打包成一个离线安装包。 接下来,将整...
在PA项目中使用pip install django==2.0只会令当前解释器安装 Django 2.0 版本; 倘若此时在PB项目中使用pip install django不指定版本号时,默认安装最新的 Django 3.1 版本,于是此时全局解释器中已经存在的 Django 2.0,则会为 Django 3.1 版本所覆盖并升级。 此时问题来了:如果我们要让PA项目能正常运行,就必须使用 ...
1. 假设文件存放在/home/user/offline_packages/: cd/home/user/offline_packages/ pipinstall--no-index --find-links=. requests beautifulsoup4 1. 2. 这段代码同样适用于多个库的离线安装。 关系图 下面展示的是一个简化的关系图,表示库和依赖之间的关系: LIBRARYstringnamestringversionDEPENDENCYstringnamestri...
/usr/local/bin/pip3.5 install --no-index --find-links=/home/sifsuser/pythoninstall/ pypandoc /usr/local/bin/pip3.5 install --no-index --find-links=/home/sifsuser/pythoninstall/ -r requirements.txt On the offline computer, install the pgympy Bayesian network library: cd /home/sifsuser/p...
What's the best way to download a python package and its dependencies from pypi for offline installation on another machine? Is there any easy way to do this with pip or easy_install? I'm trying to install the requests library on a FreeBSD box that is not connected to the internet. py...
LookupError: Couldn't find path to unrar library. )修改/ect/profile 最后 该环境准备好(参考在linux下安装unrar的错误解决方法) 2. 参考离线pip安装库的方法 离线打包 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 在python27安装目录下创建文件夹 packages_offline,作为离线保存包的位置 转移到python...
colDATUM_TIMEfora30setline400select*from v\$dataguard_stats;--select name,total_mb,free_mb,OFFLINE_DISKS,STATEfrom v\$asm_diskgroup;exit;EOFdf-h|egrep-e"Filesystem|lv_root" 3.将固定主机修改为主机列表 下面的python脚本 checkdg_all.py 只是将固定主机修改为主机列表,这样就可以批量的在多台配置...
1.导出依赖 pip3 freeze > requirements.txt 2.按照依赖下载离线包 pip3 download -d packagesDir -r requirements.txt 3.安装离线包 whl包、tgz包 单个包、目录下的包 pip3 install –no-index –find-links=“packages_dir” -r requirements.txt
最近用RobotFramework,使用RequestLibrary库报红,遂着手安装。 首先采用的是在线安装方式,导入requestsLibrary pip install robotframework-requests 安装失败报错如下: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This preve... 解决pip安装第三方库失败 ...
The package, named requests-darwin-lite, is an unauthorised variant of the widely-used requests library. The requests-darwin-lite package was cleverly designed to emulate its legitimate counterpart but included a Go binary concealed within an oversized image file pretending to be a simple logo. ...