Download: Description: This free Python programming book will help you to explore some of the lesser-known Python libraries and tools, including third-party modules and several extremely useful tools in the ...
but isextensibleand can beadaptedto various applications through the use of modules. There are thousands ofthird-party modulesavailable for it in thePython Package Index, also known as PyPI. It contains standards and libraries in fields, such as web development and data sciences. ...
Libraries for downloading. akshare - A financial data interface library, built for human beings! s3cmd - A command line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront. youtube-dl - A command-line program to download videos from YouTube and other video sites. Editor Plugins and IDEs Emacs elpy ...
Language:All Sort:Most stars ml-tooling/best-of-python Star3.9k 🏆 A ranked list of awesome Python open-source libraries and tools. Updated weekly. pythonclilibraryawesomeutilitiespython-librarypypidata-structurescollectionsawesome-listutility-librarypython-utilitiespython-frameworkpython-librariesbest-ofbe...
The Azure Functions Python worker requires a specific set of libraries. You can also use these libraries in your functions, but they aren't a part of the Python standard. If your functions rely on any of these libraries, they might be unavailable to your code when it's running outside ...
In the above screenshot, we can see the list of Python modules or libraries that are already available, and these come along with Python software. If we need some other libraries, then we need to install the libraries using the pip command, or we can directly download the modules or packa...
In this article, we will look at some of the Python libraries for data science tasks other than the commonly used ones like pandas, scikit-learn, and matplotlib. Although libraries like pandas and scikit-learn are the ones that come to mind for machine learning tasks, it's always good to...
libraries openblas not found in ['c:\\users\\mateu\\appdata\\local\\programs\\python\\python310\\lib', 'C:\\', 'c:\\users\\mateu\\appdata\\local\\programs\\python\\python310\\libs'] get_default_fcompiler: matching types: '['gnu', 'intelv', 'absoft', 'compaqv', 'intelev'...
However, extra steps are required to ensure Visual Studio can locate the PyBind11 libraries and include files. For more information about the code in this section, see PyBind11 basics.Install PyBind11The first step is to install PyBind11 in your project configuration. In this exercise, you use...
In order to provide users with tools to control the level of anonymity of the data prior to their publication or use in a data science pipeline, several software projects and libraries emerge. The main tool to highlight when talking about data anonymization is the ARX Software6: ARX is a ...