>>> ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('I',socket.htonl(int_ip)))#int to ip address''>>> socket.ntohl(struct.unpack("I",socket.inet_aton(str(ip)))[0])#ip address to int123456789L 其实这是进制数的转换,我们可以自己写代码 # 整数to IP地址格式 >>>defch1(num): s=[]f...
1. 将整数转换成IP: 思路:将整数转换成无符号32位的二进制,再8位进行分割,每8位转换成十进制即可。 方法一:#!usr/bin/python2#encoding=utf-83#1. 将整数转换成32位无符号二进制4defintToIp(num):5 s =[]6 g =[]7 h =[]8foriinrange(32):9 a = num%2 10s.insert(0,a)11 num = num/...
整数转换为IP地址 下面是将整数转换为IP地址的Python代码示例: defint_to_ip(integer):return'.'.join([str((integer>>i)&0xFF)foriin[24,16,8,0]])ip_integer=3232235777ip_address=int_to_ip(ip_integer)print(ip_address) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 示例 假设我们有一个IP地址192.168.1.1,我们可以...
int tokenInt = 0; unsigned int leftValue = ipInt; char * ipStr = malloc(IP_STR_LEN); char * ipToken = malloc(TOKEN_LEN); for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ int temp = pow(256, 3-i); tokenInt = leftValue / temp; leftValue %= temp; // itoa(tokenInt, ipToken, 10); //non-...
from 0 to li_durSec li_N = li_durSec * li_fsam Lfa_el = np.linspace(0, li_durSec, li_N, False) t_scope = np.linspace (0, 2/lf_sigFreq, 2*int(li_fsam/lf_sigFreq), False) # Cal the element value lf_toneV = np.sin(lf_sigFreq * Lfa_el * 2 * np.pi)*0.99 + ...
2 int(x [,base ]) 将x转换为一个整数 3 long(x [,base ]) 将x转换为一个长整数 4 float(x ) 将x转换到一个浮点数 5 complex(real [,imag ]) 创建一个复数 6 str(x ) 将对象 x 转换为字符串 7 repr(x ) 将对象 x 转换为表达式字符串 ...
input = int(raw_input('input number:')) for i in range(input): for j in range(i): print '*', print '\n' 三、猜数器 程序随机生成一个个位数字,然后等待用户输入,输入数字和生成数字相同则视为成功。成功则打印三角形。失败则重新输入(提示:随机数函数:random) ...
The available types are SINT (8-bit), INT (16-bit), DINT (32-bit) integer, and REAL (32-bit float). BOOL (8-bit, bit #0), SSTRING and STRING are also supported. EtherNet/IP Controller Object Configuration To replace the default values contained by default in the standard CIP Object...
") # print(b) # mask_count = len([b for i in b if i == '1']) # self.f1v2.set(mask_count) else: messagebox.showinfo("报错提示","请输入一个掩码地址") # 写一个方法将位数转换成子网掩码 def to_mask(self): try: a = int(self.f3v1.get()) if 0 < a < 32: n1 = a...
prompt='calc > 'intro='Welcome to Calc. Use add, sub, and help commands'def do_add(self,args):'Adds two integers and returns the result'a,b=map(int,args.split())print(a+b)def do_sub(self,args):'Subtracts two integers and returns the result'a,b=map(int,args.split())print(a...