# 示例text="Hello, World! This is a test."position=text.index("World")print(position)# 输出:7 1. 2. 3. 4. in操作符 除了使用find()和index()方法外,我们还可以使用in操作符来判断一个字符串是否包含另一个字符串。该操作符返回一个布尔值,用于表示是否包含指定子串。下面是一个示例: # 示例tex...
Other list methods insert items at an arbitrary position (insert), remove a given item by value (remove), and so on. Because lists are mutable, most list methods also change the list object in-place, instead of creating a new one: >>> M = ['bb', 'aa', 'cc'] >>> M.sort( )...
relief 定义控件的边框样式,参数值为FLAT(平的)/RAISED(凸起的)/SUNKEN(凹陷的)/GROOVE(沟槽桩边缘)/RIDGE(脊状边缘) text 定义控件的标题文字 state 控制控件是否处于可用状态,参数值默认为 NORMAL/DISABLED,默认为 NORMAL(正常的) width 用于设置控件的宽度,使用方法与 height 相同20.3...
现在,作为面向对象的程序员,我们清楚地认识到polygon类可以封装点的列表(数据)和perimeter函数(行为)。此外,point类,就像我们在第十六章中定义的那样,Python 中的对象,可能封装x和y坐标以及distance方法。问题是:这样做有价值吗? 对于以前的代码,也许是,也许不是。有了我们最近在面向对象原则方面的经验,我们可以以创...
UnicodeEncodeError: 'gbk' codec can't encode character '\u0906' in position 0: illegal multibyte sequence encoding with 'gbk' codec failed 但是在idle的交互式解释器和终端的交互式解释器里都能print这个字符,而且sys.stdout.encoding得到utf-8,这说明,python的Windows终端是设置为utf-8编码了。 单独在终端运...
(elem.text is not None): if elem.text.lower().find('slave') >= 0: has_slave = True elem = entity.find("devm:position", namespaces) if elem is not None: mpu_slot['slave'] = elem.text elif elem.text.lower().find('master') >= 0: elem = entity.find("devm:position", ...
people.sort_values(by="age", inplace=True, ascending=False, na_position="first") print(people) # 根据多个列进行排序 peoples = pd.read_excel('test.xlsx', index_col="id") peoples.sort_values(by=["age", "name"], ascending=[True, False], inplace=True) ...
Python includes the re module, which provides great functionality for searching for specific patterns (i.e., regular expressions) in text. To make all of the functionality provided by the re module available to you in your script, add import re at the top of the script, right beneath the ...