Although the inline if/else is the new, more correct way, you'd better still check out the tricks below. Even if you only plan on programming in Python 2.5, you're still going to run into these in older code. Of course, if you need backwards compatibility or don't have Python 2.5,...
\RequirePackage{ifthen} \newboolean{has_driver_name} \setboolean{has_driver_name}{false} \newboolean{novc}% \setboolean{novc}{false}% \ifthenelse{\boolean{ls@novc}}{ \setboolean{novc}{true} }{} \ifthenelse{\boolean{ls@python_teaching_lectures}}{ \setboolean{has_driver_name}{true...
一、机器学习和深度学习简介 深度学习的主题最近非常受欢迎,在这个过程中,出现了几个术语,使区分它们变得相当复杂。人们可能会发现,由于主题之间大量的重叠,将每个领域整齐地分开是一项艰巨的任务。 本章通过讨论深度学习的历史背景以及该领域如何演变成今天的形式来介绍深度学习的主题。稍后,我们将通过简要介绍基础主题来...
_col+window_ext+1, :] if window_original.shape == window_warped.shape: SSD = np.sum(weights * (window_original - window_warped)**2) SSDs.append(SSD) min_idx = np.argmin(SSDs) if len(SSDs) > 0 else -1 return coordinates_warped_subpix[min_idx] if min_idx >= 0 else [...
Inline token definition examples: IfThenElse = 'if' & Cond & 'then' & Statement & 'else' & Statement Parser Declaration A parser is declared as a Python object. Grammar rules Rule declarations have two parts. The left side declares the symbol associated to the rule. The right side descr...
If the user has requested to only include predictions, then the output format looks like (forecasting is the same as regression): Classification => [predicted values] [probabilities] Regression => [predicted values] else (default): Classification => [original test data labels] [predicte...
(x,y,linestyle='o',color='purple',alpha=0.8,label='haha',linewidth=0.1,markevery=200,markeredgecolor='orange',markersize=10,marker='x','r*') %matplotlib inline get_ipython().magic("matplotlib auto") # show interactive plot not inline plt.rc('xtick', labelsize = 8) # if x-axis ...
v = run_pyc_file(pyc_fp, filename, d, d, flags); } else { /* When running from stdin, leave __main__.__loader__ alone */ if (strcmp(filename, "<stdin>") != 0 && set_main_loader(d, filename, "SourceFileLoader") < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "python: failed to set __mai...
如果你的代码有大量的switch语句或嵌套的if-then-else语句,你可能需要实现一个状态机或策略模式。 7.简洁的代码 你在程序多个无关部分执行相同的逻辑代码块,然后发现需要修改该逻辑代码块,但是却不记得所有执行该代码块的地方,假设最终你只修改了5个位置,而实际上有8个位置的代码块需要进行更改,这就会导致结果出现...