data = list(map(int,input("Please input a series of datas and split them by spaces:").split())) l = LList() # 初始化 print('Initiate') for i in range(len(data)): l.insert_tail(data[i]) cur = l.head for i in range(l.get_length()): print(cur.elem) cur = cur.next_ ...
This API uploads local filesto OBS over the Internet. These files can be texts, images, videos, or any other type of files.OBS does not involve folders like in a file sys
Please take note that when we slice lists, the start index is inclusive while the end index is exclusive. For instance, if we usemy_list[2: 5], the resulting list will include elements at index 2, 3, and 4, but it will not include the element at index 5. Add/Change List Elements...
You use raise to initiate exceptions for error handling or to propagate existing exceptions. You can raise custom exceptions by defining new exception classes derived from Exception. The difference between raise and assert lies in their use. You use assert for debugging, while raise is used to si...
The client calls .connect() to establish a connection to the server and initiate the three-way handshake. The handshake step is important because it ensures that each side of the connection is reachable in the network, in other words that the client can reach the server and vice-versa. It...
In synchronous iteration, the program block or wait for each operation to complete before moving on to the next one. However, with anext() function which is asynchronous in nature, the program is allowed to initiate another operation without waiting for the previous ones to finish. ...
# initiate BERT outsideoffunctionsbert = KeyBERT()# 1. RAKEdef rake_extractor(text):"""Uses Raketoextract thetop5 keywordsfroma textArguments: text (str)Returns: listofkeywords (list)"""r = Rake()r.extract_keywords_from_text(text)returnr.get_ranked_phrases()[:5]# 2. YAKEdef yake_...
# Initiate model model = Darknet(opt.model_def).to(device) model.apply(weights_init_normal) # If specified we start from checkpoint if opt.pretrained_weights: if opt.pretrained_weights.endswith(".pth"): model.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.pretrained_weights)) ...
returnrender_template('index.html', user=session["user"], version=msal.__version__)@app.route("/login")deflogin():# Technically we could use empty list [] as scopes to do just sign in,# here we choose to also collect end user consent upfrontsession["flow"] = _build_auth_code_...
# initiate table table.setWindowTitle("QTableWidget Example") table.resize(400, 250) table.setRowCount(4) table.setColumnCount(2) # set data table.setItem(0,0, QTableWidgetItem("Item (1,1)")) table.setItem(0,1, QTableWidgetItem("Item (1,2)")) table.setItem(1,0, QT...