python进入in模式 python init main 1、程序入口,让main显现出来: print(__name__)#__name___是模块中的隐藏字段,当前模块运行的函数名 if __name__ == __main__ __main__() #定义程序入口:Python中main函数默认是隐藏的,main函数在当前运行的模块下,定义程序入口就是让main函数显 #现出来 def main(...
Python中的__init__是一种特殊方法,也可以称为魔法方式(Magic methods),是python的内置函数,一般以...
并且,main()函数中的sys.exit(n)调用全部变成return n。 定义一个Usage()异常 另一个改进之处,就是定义一个Usage()异常,可以在main()函数最后的except子句捕捉该异常: import sys import getopt class Usage(Exception): definit(self, msg): self.msg = msg def main(argv=None): if argv is None: ar...
entry point),main函数只是大家习惯的入口点名称而已。对于Python语言来说,虽然没有明确指定入口函数,...
如上,我们可以看到if __name__ == '__main__'相当于Python模拟的程序入口,Python本身并没有这么规定,这只是一种编码习惯。由于模块之间相互引用,不同模块可能有这样的定义,而程序入口只有一个。到底哪个程序入口被选中,这取决于__name__的值。 2 __init__与self ...
def main(): print("Inside the main function.") # Your program logic goes here. if __name__ == "__main__": main() 输出: 复制 Inside the main function. Exiting the program. Cleanup tasks can be performed here. 在上面的实现中,@atexit.register在函数定义上面提及。它将exit_handler()函...
In [28]: lambda x,y:x+y Out[28]: <function __main__.<lambda>> In [31]: f1=lambda x,y:x+y In [32]: f1(1,2) Out[32]: 3 In [33]: f1(1,2,3) --- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-33-95e364c9da29> in <module>() ---> 1 f1(1,2,3...
delattr(People,'sex')#等同于 del People.sexprint(People.__dict__)#输出 {'__module__': '__main__', '__init__': <function People.__init__ at 0x000001CE3E2E52F0>, 'peopleinfo': <function People.peopleinfo at 0x000001CE3E2E5378>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of '...
The __init__() FunctionThe examples above are classes and objects in their simplest form, and are not really useful in real life applications.To understand the meaning of classes we have to understand the built-in __init__() function....
importdatetime#两句简单代码输出文本、输出时间print('Hello World!')print('Time is ','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %A'))#定义main函数defmain():print('this message is from main function')if__name__=='__main__':main()---结果: Hello World! Timeis2024-08-3015...