from file import function。不需要文件扩展名或函数参数 您可能应该阅读Python教程中的模块部分。 只要确保使用pycharms,它就只能识别下划线分隔的文件名。 进口时不需要增加。只需编写from file import function,然后使用function(a, b)调用函数。这可能不起作用的原因是file是Python的核心模块之一,所以我建议...
# my_package/my_module.pydefmy_function():print("Hello from my_function!")# my_package/another_module.pyfrom.my_moduleimportmy_functiondefanother_function():my_function() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 在这个示例中,another_module.py从同一包中的my_module.py导入了my_function。 3. ...
我们可以使用from file name import all命令读取它。这表明我们已经从提供的文件中导入了所有类。 在这种情况下,我们使用from file name> import *语句。该语句从文件中导入所有类,如下所示。 # pythonclassOperations:def__init__(self):self.sum=0defTo_sum(self, a, b):self.sum=a+breturnself.sumclass...
# # Python 2.7 import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as spla def my_print(arr, cols, dec, nl): n = len(arr) fmt = "%." + str(dec) + "f" # like %.4f for i in xrange(n): # alt: for x in arr if i > 0 and i % cols == 0: print "" print ...
def func(): print ('my module func()'); version='0.0.1'; #import in another py file import mymodule; mymodule.func(); print (mymodule.version) #or from mymodule import func,version; func(); print ('Version:',version); 11.3.模块函数dir() 列出此模块中定义的函数,类和变量 ...
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import padding import os # 生成AES密钥 key = Fernet.generate_key() # 加密文件 def encrypt_file(in...
def func(): '''This is self-defined function Do nothing''' pass print func.__doc__ #This is self-defined function # #Do nothing 五、模块 模块就是一个包含了所有你定义的函数和变量的文件,模块必须以.py为扩展名。模块可以从其他程序中‘输入’(import)以便利用它的功能。
'Anakin Skywalker'}# collect them in a tuplecustomers = (customer1, customer2, customer3)# or collect them in a listcustomers = [customer1, customer2, customer3]# or maybe within a dictionary, they have a unique id after allcustomers = {'abc123': customer1,'def456': customer2,'ghi...
from pythonProject.a.file_a import class_a 只要您从pythonProject目录中运行文件,此操作就可以...
As an example of Nodezator's Python exporting capabilities, here's a simple graph followed by the Python code exported from it: ### main functiondeftemp_2024_08_30_11_11_12():"""Execute script version of Python visual graph."""_1_number_b=10_0_number_a=10_2_output=_0_number_a...