开启多线程检测 处理图片时,遇到'image file is truncated'。 解决办法: 在im = Image.open(file_path)之后,增加上 im.load() 原因: PIL.Image.open()打开并标识给定的图像文件。 这是一个懒惰的操作;此函数可识别文件,但文件保持打开状态,直到尝试处理数据(或调用load()方法),才会从文件中读取实际图像数据。
raise IOError("image file is truncated " "(%d bytes not processed)" % len(b)) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 所以,如果不想花时间把数据集中的破损图片找出来后删除掉,只需要设置LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True,在程序开头只需要加上两行代码就行了 from PIL import ImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES =...
IOError: image fileistruncated (5 bytesnotprocessed) 解决办法是,再添加如下2句代码: fromPILimportImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES= True 最终,完整的代码如下: #coding:utf-8fromPILimportImageimportpytesseractfromPILimportImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES=Truedeftest(): im= Image.open(...
问题: OSError: image file is truncated (41 bytes not processed) 解决方法: 在主文件里设置: from PIL import ImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True 1. 2. 原因分析: 这个truncated image是因为图片太大导致的,去读ImageFile.py这个文件,会在文件顶部固定一个 MAXBLOCK = xxxxxx (一个还蛮...
2. IOError: image file is truncated 这个异常通常是因为你尝试打开一个损坏的图像文件。确保你的图像...
1、.jpg导入不了,报错truncated; 2、图片尤其是png.(虽然后缀是jpg)格式的图片会出现,无法转换为np.array 情况一(参考链接): 代码语言:javascript 复制 ValueError: Could not load "" Reason: "image file is truncated (2 bytes not processed)" 笔者在使用caffe时候,出现以上报错,明明是一个好的jpg图像,为...
PILLOW读取文件出错:IOError: image file is truncated 执行这两句命令: fromPILimportImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES=True 验证码生成示例 https://www.cnblogs.com/renpingsheng/p/7482680.html 更多参考 https://www.liaoxuefeng.com/wiki/0014316089557264a6b348958f449949df42a6d3a2e542c000/00143200272...
try: # try to open that image and load the data Image.open(img_path).load() except Exception as e: ... do something if there is an error Note that truncated image will return a OSError: image file is truncated so you could also do except OSError to be more specific. 👍 7 ge...
ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True def make_image_brightness(image): # print(image) name = image.split("/")[-1] print(name) image = Image.open(image) enh_bri = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image) brightness = 1.5 image_brightened = enh_bri.enhance(brightness) ...
fix: allow truncated image files… Unverified 85a9283 Reason: "IOError: broken data stream when reading image file" Reference:(cherry picked from commitce45600) However, when I try and use beyond that, it is black. Who knows however, this may be sufficient to resolve your situation. ...