1. myname='Sophia' 2. if myname=='Jane': 3. print "The is the first sister" 4. elif myname=='Ella': 5. print'This is the second sister' 6. else: 7. print 'This is Sophia' 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. python的代码块分隔符: 1. x=1 2. if x: 3. 2 4. if...
'elif', 'else', 'except', 'exec', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'print', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']
If multiple elif conditions become True, then the first elif block will be executed. The following example demonstrates if, elif, and else conditions.Example: if-elif-else Conditions price = 50 if price > 100: print("price is greater than 100") elif price == 100: print("price is 100...
15:三元运算写法和应用场景? 应用场景:简化if语句 #关于三元运算#结果+ if + 条件 + else + 结果result='gt'if1>3else'lt'print(result)#lt#理解:如果条件为真,把if前面的值赋值给变量,否则把else后面的值赋值给变量。lambda表达式 temp=lambdax,y:x+yprint(temp(4,10))#14可替代:deffoo(x,y):retu...
循环语句分成两种,while循环 和 for循环 2 : while循环 》》语法: while 条件表达式 : 代码块 else : 代码块 如图: 》》一个while语句 ...Python入门三之if判断语句 if语句 我们经常会运用到: (1)语法结构 if 要判断的条件: 条件成立时,要做的事 2)if—else age = 18 if age >= 18: print(‘...
CASE WHEN (iris_class = 'Iris-setosa') THEN 0 ELSE CASE WHEN (iris_class = 'Iris-versicolor') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END END with general syntax: when(condition, value).when(...) or when(condition, value).otherwise(...) You probably mixed up things with Hive IF conditional: IF(condit...
Example 1: IF and ELSE Suppose that you want to determine whether a person is eligible for a senior discount. Here are the conditions that you decided to use: Ifthe person’s age is equal or above 60, then the person is eligible for a ‘senior discount‘ ...
This is the Python if statement syntax. The following examples will show how this syntax can be used properly. if_stmt ::= "if" expression ":" suite ( "elif" expression ":" suite )* ["else" ":" suite] 1. Basic Python if Command Example for Numbers ...
Within the if - else if expression2 evaluates true then statement_3, statement_4 will execute otherwise statement_5, statement_6 will execute. See the following example.age = 38 if (age >= 11): print ("You are eligible to see the Football match.") if (age <= 20 or age >= 60):...
技术标签: python 列表生成式 if-else列表推导式总共以下有两种形式: 1、[x for x in data if condition] 此处if主要起条件判断作用,data数据中只有满足if条件的才会被留下,最终生成一个数据列表。 2、[exp1 if condition else exp2 for x in data] 此处if…else主要起赋值作用。当data中的数据满足if条件...