#if np.all(u<0) and np.all(v>0): #wind_dir=wind_dir However, doing this if statement doesn't change the value of my array wind_dir. I want to first calculate the wind direction using u and v, then I want to modify the wind direction based on whether u and v were positive/...
1、基础语法 在Python中,if语句的基本语法是:if condition:statement(s)如果条件condition为真,则执行if语句后面缩进的语句块。例如:if x <0:pass 如果x小于0,则执行空语句pass。2、多重条件 if语句可以与elif和else语句一起使用,实现多重条件判断。例如:if x<0:print('x是负数')elif x==0:print('...
It is possible to include anifstatement inside anotherifstatement. For example, number =5# outer if statementifnumber >=0:# inner if statementifnumber ==0:print('Number is 0')# inner else statementelse:print('Number is positive')# outer else statementelse:print('Number is negative') Run...
/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-# 例3:if语句多个条件num=9ifnum>=0andnum<=10:# 判断值是否在0~10之间print'hello'# 输出结果: hellonum=10ifnum<0ornum>10:# 判断值是否在小于0或大于10print'hello'else:print'undefine'# 输出结果: undefinenum=8# 判断值是否在0~5或者10~15之间if...
(不包含)之间,内生成特定形状满足连续均匀的随机数#循环结构if...elif...#Python 条件语句,用于根据多个条件之间的关系执行不同的代码块,如果前面的条件不满足则逐个检查后续的条件if...else...#Python 条件语句,用于在满足 if 条件时执行一个代码块,否则执行另一个 else 代码块for...in...#Python 循环结构...
Python if elif else Statement Example Theelif statementmakes the code easy to read and comprehend. Following is the Python code for the same logic with if elif else statements − Open Compiler amount=2500print('Amount = ',amount)ifamount>10000:discount=amount*20/100elifamount>5000:discount=am...
# if 'age' not in info: # raise KeyError('必须有age这个key') #用assert取代上述代码: assert ('name' in info) and ('age' in info) 设置一个断言目的就是要求必须实现某个条件。78、有用过with statement吗?它的好处是什么?1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 with语句的作用是通过某种方式简化异常处理,它是...
for words in line: if (words.upper() in L or words.lower() in L) and (words.upper() not in seen and words.lower() not in seen): seen.append(words) count +=1 If you don't care about the case of the words stored in seen, you could just transform all the words into one ...
if y > 0 and y < 20: print("y大于0且小于20") else: print("y不在0到20之间") 在上面的示例中,使用了OR运算符和and运算符来简化条件判断。根据条件的不同,可以执行不同的代码块。 Python的这种简化条件语法使得代码更加简洁和易读。同时,Python还支持使用括号来明确条件的优先级,以进一步简化复杂的条件...