s = 12 if 3 < 4 else 32 assign 12 if 3 is less than 4,else assign 32. Putting a simple if-then-else statement on one line answeredDec 14, 2021 at 8:31 Post as a guest Name Email Required, but never shown Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged ...
In the above case Python evaluates each expression (i.e. the condition) one by one and if a true condition is found the statement(s) block under that expression will be executed. If no true condition is found the statement(s) block under else will be executed. In the following example,...
result = [x for x in mylist if x > 250] print(result) # [300, 400, 500] 二、一行搞定if-else语句 好的,要在一行中编写一个if-else语句,我们将使用三元运算符。三元运算符的语法是“[真值时] if [表达式] else [假值时]”。 我在下面的示例代码中展示了3个示例,以便清楚地向您说明如何使用...
Python if...else Statement Anifstatement can have an optionalelseclause. Theelsestatement executes if the condition in theifstatement evaluates toFalse. Syntax ifcondition:# body of if statementelse:# body of else statement Here, if theconditioninside theifstatement evaluates to ...
Short Hand If If you have only one statement to execute, you can put it on the same line as the if statement. Example One line if statement: ifa > b:print("a is greater than b") Try it Yourself » Short Hand If ... Else ...
for x in name: print(x) #if x == 'l': # break #退出for循环 else: ...
这个One-Liner 片段将向你展示如何在一行中使用 While 循环代码,我已经展示了两种方法。 #方法 1 Single Statement whileTrue:print(1)#infinite 1 #方法 2 多语句 x = 0 whilex < 5:print(x); x= x + 1# 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 一行 IF Else 语句 ...
好吧,要在单行中编写 IF Else 语句,我们将使用三元运算符。三元的语法是“[on true] if [expression] else [on false]”。 我在下面的示例代码中展示了 3 个示例,以使你清楚地了解如何将三元运算符用于一行 if-else 语句。要使用 Elif 语句,我们必须使用多个三元运算符。
if matchObj: print ("matchObj.group() : ", matchObj.group()) print ("matchObj.group(1) : ", matchObj.group(1)) print ("matchObj.group(2) : ", matchObj.group(2)) else: print ("No match!!") 以上实例执行结果如下: matchObj.group() : Cats are smarter than dogs ...