Ifconditionevaluates toFalse, the body of theifstatement will be skipped from execution. Let's look at an example. Working of if Statement Example: Python if Statement number = int(input('Enter a number: '))# check if number is greater than 0ifnumber >0:print(f'{number}is a positive ...
If statement: a =33 b =200 ifb > a: print("b is greater than a") Try it Yourself » In this example we use two variables,aandb, which are used as part of the if statement to test whetherbis greater thana. Asais33, andbis200, we know that 200 is greater than 33, and so ...
Here is an example if statement: if 10 > 5: print("10 greater than 5") print("Program ended") The expression determines whether 10 is greater than five. Since it is, the indented statement runs, and "10 greater than 5" is output. Then, the unindented statement, which is not part ...
In Python, you have the if, elif and the else statements for this purpose. In this tutorial, you will work with an example to learn about the simple if statement and gradually move on to if-else and then the if-elif-else statements. You will also learn about nesting and see an ...
For example, suppose you want to find the larger of two numbers. Of course, there is a built-in function, max(), that does just this (and more) that you could use. But suppose you want to write your own code from scratch. You could use a standard if statement with an else clause...
Example 3 If statement within a for loop Inside a for loop, you can use if statements as well. Let me use one of the most well-known examples of the exercises that you might be given as the opening question in a junior data scientist job interview. ...
Let's see an example of anifstatement with list comprehension. # filtering even numbers from a listeven_numbers = [numfornuminrange(1,10)ifnum %2==0] print(even_numbers)# Output: [2, 4, 6, 8] Run Code Here, list comprehension checks if the number fromrange(1, 10)is even or ...
if (x < 0) 但需要注意的是,在条件语句的末尾必须加上冒号(:),这是Python特定的语法规范。 由于Python不支持switch语句,因此,当存在多个条件判断时,我们需要用else if来实现,这在Python中的表达是 elif。语法如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 if condition_1: statement_1 elif condition_2: statement_2 .....
• We test a condition using an if statement: if len(word) < 5:. This must be followed by the colon character and an indented block of code, to be executed only if the condition is true. 我们测试一个条件使用if语句:if len(word)<5:。后面必须紧跟冒号和一块缩进的代码,仅当条件为真时...
It is perfectly fine to have more lines inside theifstatement, as shown in the below example. The script will return two lines when you run it. If the condition is not passed, the expression is not executed. z=4ifz%2==0:print("checking"+str(z))print("z is even") ...