>>> not x is None >>> True >>> not y is None False >>> 也许你是想判断x是否为None,但是却把x==[]的情况也判断进来了,此种情况下将无法区分。 对于习惯于使用if not x这种写法的pythoner,必须清楚x等于None, False, 空字符串"", 0, 空列表[], 空字典{}, 空元组()时对你的判断没有影响...
if A is not None只是对A进行非None判定,它比较的是两个对象的地址。 而if A背后做了好几件事情,它首先检测对象A是否有__bool__方法,如果有,则调用__bool__进行判断并返回结果;如果没有__bool__方法,再检测是否有__len__函数,如果有,则执行__len__函数返回结果;如果__bool__和__len__都不存在,则...
对于习惯于使用if not x这种写法的pythoner,必须清楚x等于None, False, 空字符串"", 0, 空列表[], 空字典{}, 空元组()时对你的判断没有影响才行。 而对于`if x is not None`和`if not x is None`写法,很明显前者更清晰,而后者有可能使读者误解为`if (not x) is None`,因此推荐前者,同时这也是...
importtimeitdefusing_is_none(variable):returnvariableisNonedefusing_if_not_none(variable):returnnotvariable variable =Noneprint("Using 'is None':", timeit.timeit(lambda: using_is_none(variable), number=1000000))print("Using 'if not None':", timeit.timeit(lambda: using_if_not_none(variable)...
Beware of writing if x: when you really mean if x is not None:—e.g., when testing whether a variable or argument that defaults to None was set to some other value. The other value might be a value ...
None,False,空字符串,空列表,空字典,以及空元组。在代码中,通常会以三种方式来检查变量是否为None。具体如下:情况一:当变量被赋值为None时,如:python x = None 情况二:当变量被赋值为一个空列表时,如:python x = []情况三:当变量被赋值为一个非空值时,如:python x = 12 ...
turn [] next_page is not None Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'next_page' is not defined turn is not None True turn [] if turn: print('sss') turn is not None True turn is None False 为啥这个是空 写is not None 是对的?这个...
I have a script that i am trying to scrape the value of a key that is not always there. I am having an issue with my IF statement. It is theIf Shotype is not NoneI would like the scrape the secondarytype which is the kind of shot taken which only appears obviously when a shot ...
None的使用场景 None在Python中常被用于表示一个缺失的值或者一个空的对象。它可以用来初始化变量,以及作为默认参数值。当我们不确定某个变量的初始值时,可以将其赋值为None。例如: defprocess_data(data=None):ifdataisNone:data=initialize_data()# 处理数据的代码 ...
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