req=urllib2.Request(the_url)try: content=urllib2.urlopen(req)exceptIOError,e:#here we *want* failpasselse:print"This page isn't protected by authentication."sys.exit(1)ifnothasattr(e,'code')ore.code != 401:#we got an error - but not a 401 errorprint"This page isn't protected by...
http_origin= r""uri= http_origin + r"/login"rr=, headers=myHeader, auth=loginAuth(json.dumps(userdata)))printrr.status_code now,run this script C:\Python27\python.exe C:/PycharmProjects/reqTest1/src/reqUnamePass_backup.py200Processfinished with exit cod...
$ export HTTPS_PROXY="" $ python >>> import requests >>> requests.get("") To use HTTP Basic Auth with your proxy, use the http://user:password@host/syntax: proxies = { "http":"http://user:pass@", } 遵守: 要求是为了符合...
importgrpcfromexample_pb2_grpcimportGreeterStubfromexample_pb2importHelloRequest# 从文件读取客户端证书withopen('client.crt','rb')asf: server_certificate = 创建SSL上下文ssl_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(root_certificates=server_certificate)# 创建一个安全的gRPC通道channel = grpc...
Sessions with Cookie Persistence:带持久 Cookie 的会话。● Browser-style SSL Verification:浏览器式的 SSL 认证。● Basic/Digest Authentication:基本/摘要式的身份认证。● Elegant Key/Value Cookies:简洁的 Key/Value Cookie。● Automatic Decompression:自动解压。● Automatic Content Decoding:自动内容解码。
使用urllib 的 request 模块,我们可以方便地实现请求的发送并得到响应。我们先来看下它的具体用法。 urlopen urllib.request 模块提供了最基本的构造 HTTP 请求的方法,利用它可以模拟浏览器的一个请求发起过程,同时它还带有处理授权验证(Authentication)、重定向(Redirection)、浏览器 Cookie 以及其他内容。 下面我们来看...
('bad_request', 'bad'), 401: ('unauthorized',), 402: ('payment_required', 'payment'), 403: ('forbidden',), 404: ('not_found', '-o-'), 405: ('method_not_allowed', 'not_allowed'), 406: ('not_acceptable',), 407: ('proxy_authentication_required', 'proxy_auth', 'proxy_...
Instantiated a variable GitHub with apersonal access tokenfor authentication. Retrieved data from our endpoint and stored it in theprivate_url_responsevariable. Displayed the status code. Handling HTTP request errors There are instances where requests made to an API do not go as expected. Several ...
最常见的HTTP方法之一是GET。GET方法表示你正在尝试从指定资源获取或检索数据。要发送GET请求,请调用requests.get()。 你可以通过下面方式来向GitHub的 Root REST API 发出GET请求: 代码语言:javascript 复制 >>>requests.get(<Response[200]> ...
If key does not exist, the authentication failed. if signingKey not in secrets: return 'Signing key not found.', 401 signingSecret = secrets[signingKey] Create an HttpRequest, and add the method, URL, query, and signedHeaders headers to the request. Determine whether the body needs to be...