官方文档:https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/http.html 偷个懒,截图如下: 即,http客户端编程一般用urllib.request库(主要用于“在这复杂的世界里打开各种url”,包括:authentication、redirections、cookies and more.)。 1. urllib.request—— Extensible library for opening URLs 使用手册,结合代码写的很详细:...
For example, ss:// make remote connection to the first shadowsocks proxy server, and then jump to the second http proxy server. Client API TCP Client API import asyncio, pproxy async def test_tcp(proxy_uri): conn = pproxy.Connection(proxy_uri) reader,...
>>>response = requests.get(url,headers=headers,proxies=proxy) 代理参数必须以字典形式传递,即必须创建一个指定协议、IP 地址和代理监听端口的字典类型: importrequests http_proxy ="http://<ip_address>:<port>"proxy_dictionary = {"http": http_proxy} requests.get("http://example.org", proxies=prox...
data = {"info": "biu~~~ send post request"} r = requests.post('http://dev.kdlapi.com/testproxy', headers=headers, data=data) #加一个data参数 print(r.status_code) print(r.text) 截个图给大家看下,http code 200,body信息说的post成功,并且返回的了我自己的IP信息以及post的数据 使用代理...
SSH client tunnel support is enabled by installing additional libraryasyncssh. After "pip3 install asyncssh", you can specify "ssh" as scheme to proxy via ssh client tunnel. $ pproxy -l http://:8080 -r ssh://remote_server.com/#login:password ...
To make an HTTP request in the Python library Request library is used. It is one the most popular library in Python which provides simplified API for sending HTTP requests and handling its response. Using this Python web scraping library, you can perform common HTTP operations such as GET...
首先,了解一下 urllib 库,它是 Python 内置的 HTTP 请求库,也就是说不需要额外安装即可使用。它包含如下 4 个模块。 request:它是最基本的 HTTP 请求模块,可以用来模拟发送请求。就像在浏览器里输入网址然后回车一样,只需要给库方法传入 URL 以及额外的参数,就可以模拟实现这个过程了。
Proxy support for HTTP and SOCKS. 100% test coverage. urllib3 is powerful and easy to use: >>> import urllib3 >>> http = urllib3.PoolManager() >>> r = http.request('GET', 'http://httpbin.org/robots.txt') >>> r.status 200 >>> r.data 'User-agent: *\nDisallow: /deny\n'...
Python爬虫篇:HTTP库requests 一:简介 requests是一种第三方HTTP library,因url3的提供的API不好用,requests是对url3的一种封装,类似于Java中的HttpClient。 支持常见的请求方式GET,POST, PUT,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS,HEAD等。 GitHub https://github.com/psf/requests...
handler = urllib2.HTTPHandler() request = urllib2.Request(url='http://ftp.ubuntu.com/') opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) f = opener.open(request) print f.read() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9、使用代理 proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http":"http://proxy.***.com/"}) opener...