1、 HTTPError: 目标网站返回的HTTP状态码异常,比如403 Forbidden或429 Too Many Requests等。 解决方法:可以使用反爬虫技术,如设置User-Agent、使用代理IP或添加适当的请求头,避免被网站封禁。 importrequestsheaders={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like...
1、 HTTPError: 目标网站返回的HTTP状态码异常,比如403 Forbidden或429 Too Many Requests等。 解决方法:可以使用反爬虫技术,如设置User-Agent、使用代理IP或添加适当的请求头,避免被网站封禁。 代码语言:javascript 复制 importrequests headers={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleW...
(通用)使用while循环,通过判断status返回值是否不等于429,设置一定睡眠时间就行啦。 __EOF__
429: ('too_many_requests', 'too_many'), 431: ('header_fields_too_large', 'fields_too_large'), 444: ('no_response', 'none'), 449: ('retry_with', 'retry'), 450: ('blocked_by_windows_parental_controls', 'parental_controls'), 451: ('unavailable_for_legal_reasons', 'legal_reas...
org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 429 Too Many Requests
import requests r = requests.get('https://blog.csdn.net/Enjolras_fuu') exit() if not r.status_code == requests.codes.ok else print('Request Successfully') 这样的话,我们就不用在程序里面写状态码对应的数字了,用字符串来表示状态码会显得更加直观。 当然,肯定不能只有ok 这个条件码, ...
通过运行结果可以发现,它的返回类型是 requests.models.Response,响应体的类型是字符串 str,Cookies 的类型是 RequestsCookieJar。 使用get 方法成功实现一个 GET 请求,这倒不算什么,更方便之处在于其他的请求类型依然可以用一句话来完成,示例如下: r=requests.post('http://httpbin.org/post')r=requests.put('ht...
MSAL Python 1.11+ automatically performs one retry attempt for you. You may customize this behavior by followingthehttp_clientcustomization instructions. When the Service Token Server (STS) is overloaded with too many requests, it returns HTTP error 429 with a hint about how long until you can ...
429- Too many requestsExceeded rate limit for your subscription.Make sure you still have at least one request left. Wait a couple minutes and try again. If you are encountering the error often – chat with us to see if your rate limit can be increased. ...
The script print 'HTTP Error 429 too many requests' :change the TLD The script print 'urllib.error.URLError Errno 1104' :check if the TLD is true Changing the TLD doesn't work : (2 solutions)1-change your ip by disconnecting and reconnecting again or use a good vpn2-Delete the .goog...