print(np.sign(arr))#sign计算各个元素的正负号,1为正数,-1为负数,0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 二元数组 mod 元素级的取模% dot 点积 矩阵积 greater greater_equal less less_equal equal not_equal 元素级的比较运算,最终返回一个布尔型数组 logical_and lo...
np.minimum(arr1,arr2) # matrix([[1, 5, 1, 9]]) #greater>,greater_equal>= 得到一个布尔值矩阵或者数组 np.greater(arr1,arr2) # matrix([[False, True, True, False]]) # 逻辑与logical_and,或logical_or,非logical_xor d = np.mat('2 0;1 0') e = np.mat('0 2;1 0') np.l...
fmin 将忽略 NaN mod 元素级的求模计算(除法的余数) copysign 将第二个数组中的值的符号复制给第一个数组中的值 greater、greater_equal、less、less_equal、equal Not_qual 执行元素级的比较运算,最终产生布尔型数组。相当于中缀运算符 >,>=,<,<=,==.!= logical_add、logical_or、 Logical_xor 执行元素级...
Thejoin_asofstep finds the lateststartdate that is on or before thedatesdate. Since intervals do not overlap, this is the only interval that might contain thedatesdate. For our purposes, I'll make a copy of thestartcolumn so that we can inspect the results. (Thestartcolumn will not be ...
Tabs or Spaces|制表符还是空格 空格是首选的缩进方法。 制表符应仅用于与已使用制表符缩进的代码保持一致。Python 不允许混合制表符和空格进行缩进。 Maximum Line Length|最大代码行长度 限制所有行的最大长度为79个字符。 对于较少结构限制的长文本块(例如文档字符串或注释),行长度应限制为72个字符。
Greater than:a > b Greater than or equal to:a >= b These conditions can be used in several ways, most commonly in "if statements" and loops. An "if statement" is written by using theifkeyword. ExampleGet your own Python Server ...
(3)greater 大于 ,greater_equal 大于等于 得到的是布尔矩阵或则数组 np.greater(arr1,arr2) matrix([[False, True, False, True]]) (4)逻辑"与":logical_and ,“或”:logical_or,“非”:logical_xor 在python中非0为真 #准备一个矩阵 d = np.mat('2 0;1 0') ...
math_ops.greater_equal(predictions, threshold))returnmetrics_lib.accuracy( labels=labels, predictions=threshold_predictions, weights=weights, name=scope) 开发者ID:vaccine,项目名称:tensorflow,代码行数:9,代码来源 示例6: cosine_decay_fn ...
OperatorMeaningOperatorMeaning < Less than > Greater than == Equivalent != Not equivalent <= Less than or equivalent >= Greater than or equivalent If Statements We have seen these conditionals in action throughout this chapter, but they have been used in simple if statements. Le...
二元ufunc:add, substract, multiply, divide, floor_divide, power, maximum, minimum, mod, copysign, greater, greater_equal, less, less_equal, equal, not_equal, logical_and, logical_or 用法:np.add(arr1, arr2) In [101]: arr = np.arange(5) In [102]: arr Out[102]: array([0, 1,...