要应用此补丁(无需等待拉取请求被接受)只需从分叉的仓库 https://github.com/BoseCorp/py-googletrans.git 安装库(首先卸载官方库): $ pip uninstall googletrans $ git clone https://github.com/BoseCorp/py-googletrans.git $ cd ./py-googletrans $ python setup.py install 您可以将其克隆到系统的任何...
一、字幕文件 要做字幕,得先了解字幕文件的格式才行,主流的格式是:ass(SubRip Text)、ssa(S Station Alpha)、srt(Advanced SubStation Alpha)、vtt(webvtt,类似于srt),具体参考这里。这边我选择的是SRT格式,SRT的格式如下: 除了字幕文件之外,还有就是选择语音转文字的引擎,国内的有:百度、网易见外等,国外的有:...
ssut/py-googletrans - (unofficial) Googletrans: Free and Unlimited Google translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge.cea-sec/miasm - Reverse engineering framework in Pythonjoblib/joblib - Computing with Python functions.andialbrecht/sqlparse - A non-validating SQL parser module for...
ssut/py-googletrans - (unofficial) Googletrans: Free and Unlimited Google translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge. gaubert/gmvault - gmail backup software oauthlib/oauthlib - A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic sc0tfree/updog -...
from googletrans import Translator # 翻译 import pandas as pd from newsapi import NewsApiClient # 新闻API import seaborn as sns plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['Microsoft YaHei'] nltk.download('punkt') nltk.download('stopwords') nltk.download('wordnet') ...
安装新版本 A new 'official' alpha version of googletrans with a fix was released pipinstallgoogletrans==3.1.0a0 示例: translator = Translator() translation = translator.translate("Der Himmel ist blau und ich mag Bananen", dest='en')
py(星号为py文件的全路径,如下图) 如下图显示,打包成功,会显示exe文件的位置,找到运行即可用。 googletrans + pyQt5 + PyCharm translatetool打包成EXE 安装Pyinstaller pyinstaller命令 打包exe图片资源无法显示 单身暴击!程序员用Python 给女朋友写了个翻译软件 看了这篇文章,抽动哦写个小工具粘贴翻译...将...
Is there any post to help with Transliteration of characters from other languages into English as I’ve attempted to use googletrans to translate it but it is unreliable as it sometimes doesn’t actually translate and other times gives and error. As well as transdetect which I used to detect...
而解决办法也很简单 只要把读取过来的属性全部转...Python 使用googletrans 报错 error ‘NoneType‘ object has no attribute ‘group‘的解决方法 安装新版本 A new 'official' alpha version of googletrans with a fix was released 示例: 以防万一没生效的话,可以使用指定URL的方法 其他的版本:......
ssut/py-googletrans - (unofficial) Googletrans: Free and Unlimited Google translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge. gaubert/gmvault - gmail backup software oauthlib/oauthlib - A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic sc0tfree/updog -...