1.sudo apt-get install git-core (注意:如果下载失败,则先运行sudo apt-get update并且再试一遍,其实不管下载什么,都可以先update到最新) 2.安装Adafruit DHT11库 (1)下载库: git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_DHT.git (2)使用cd命令进到 Adafruit_Python_DHT文件夹: cd Adafruit_Pyth...
remote: app.yaml invalid syntax To git@git.cloudscape.sohu.com:cs/马赛克.git ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to 'git@git.cloudscape.sohu.com:cs/马赛克.git' 猜测是git的hook在检测app.yaml的语法时出错导致无法推送。以下是app....
It would be nice if I could git clone it into a new project with out all of the git info. Is my only solution to delete ...Where is the Vendor module in YII Initializr? I have installed YII Initializr module and YII framework is in my PHP Include path. But as soon as I run my...
💡 Tips:由于网络原因可能网站打不开或或者下载失败,可以搜下已下载安装包或者找联系我发送你对应的包。 此时你可以打开现有项目,从git仓库中clone项目,也可以新建一个文件夹或文件。在电脑中合适的位置我们创建一个文名称为 30DaysOfPython 文件夹,然后使用Visual Studio打开它。如果提示信任警告,请选择Yes。 打开...
猜测是git的hook在检测app.yaml的语法时出错导致无法推送。以下是app.yaml全文:appid: 6365653 start: $PYTHON $USER_DIR/hello/manage.py runserver packages: ['django==1.6.4'] try_restart: fall: 10 enable: true web_health: true web_health_conf: path: / success: - 200 - 201 -...
Added Environment.clone(new_name) API to create a copy of Environment object Environment.docker.base_dockerfile accepts filepath. If able to resolve a file, the content is read into base_dockerfile environment property Automatically reset mutually exclusive values for base_image and base_...
%pip install git+https://github.com/psf/requests.git 如此即可使用 requests 源码仓库进行安装。另外,还可以将源码克隆(clone)到本地,然后通过执行其中的setup.py程序进行安装(参阅11.4.2节)。 在上述各个方法中,最常用的还是第一种。安装好之后,可以执行以下操作,查看安装结果。
However, there is a dedicated clone method, that is specific to them, so use this instead. def binder(func, name): try: result = func.clone() except AttributeError: result = types.FunctionType(func.__code__, func.__globals__, name=func.__name__, argdefs=func.__defaults__, ...
In this case, it’s quite common to perform a git clone—something that we also show you how to do in Chapter 8.When you perform a clone of a Python project from GitHub, there is a good chance you’ll see two files in the root of the project: requirements.txt and setup.py. ...
git clone git://github.com/atsepkov/RapydScript.git cd RapydScript npm link . If you're using OSX, you can probably use the same commands (let me know if that's not the case). If you're using Windows, you should be able to follow similar commands after installing node.js and git...