definitialize(self):super(Subtest, self).initialize()# Fail test if autotest is too oldversion.check_autotest_version(self.config,get_version())# Fail test if configuration being used doesn't match dockertest APIversion.check_version(self.config) msg ="Subtest %s configuration:\n"% self.__...
使用VS Code 输入以下 Python 代码(或是复制并粘贴): Python importsys, pygame pygame.init() size = width, height =640,480dx =1dy =1x=163y =120black = (0,0,0) white = (255,255,255) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)while1:foreventinpygame.event.get():ifevent.type == pygame...,data=postdata,headers=headers)login_code=login_page.textprint(login_page.status_code)print(login_code)except:# 需要输入验证码后才能登录成功 postdata["captcha"]=get_captcha(),data=postdata,headers=headers)login_code=eval(login_pag...
jobs: build: strategy: matrix: os: [macos-latest, ubuntu-latest, windows-latest] runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - name: Check-out repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup Python uses: actions/setup-python@v5 with: python-version: '3.10' cache: 'pip' cache-dependency-pa...
在VS Code 中使用 Bash 终端激活在步骤 #3 中创建的虚拟环境:source .venv/bin/activate。 如果它已正常工作,则应该在命令提示符之前看到 (.venv)。 使用以下在虚拟环境中安装 Django:python3 -m pip install django。 通过输入以下内容来验证它是否已安装:python3 -m django --version。
(f"File uploaded successfully, status code: {result.status}") except oss2.exceptions.OssError as e: logging.error(f"Failed to upload file: {e}") def download_file(bucket, object_name): try: file_obj = bucket.get_object(object_name) content ='utf-8') ...
con = cx_Oracle.connect('pythonhol/welcome@') ver = con.version.split(".") for v in ver: print v if v == "11": print "It's 11" else: print "Not 11" con.close() 确保缩进正确! 使用冒号“:”表示代码块。第一个 print 和 if 位于同一个缩进级别,因为它们两个都...
f=urllib.request.urlopen("")dict=f.readlines()foriinrange(0,len(dict)):print(dict[i])#返回获取页面对象的信息print(获取请求的URLprint(f.geturl())#获取页面对象的状态码print(f.getcode()) 首先我们需要导入库,然后按照URLopen的定义我们只输入一个url参数,此时程...
Code of conduct MIT license Copyright © 2009–Spyder Project Contributorsand others (see AUTHORS.txt) Some source files and icons may be under other authorship/licenses; seeNOTICE.txt. Project status Build status Try Spyder online 👈 Click on this link to run thelatest Spyder versionin your...
types::IntoPyDict; use pyo3::ffi::c_str; fn main() -> PyResult<()> { Python::with_gil(|py| { let sys = py.import("sys")?; let version: String = sys.getattr("version")?.extract()?; let locals = [("os", py.import("os")?)].into_py_dict(py)?; let code = c_str...