import datatime import time start_t = #get current time time.sleep(3) end_t = tdiff = (end_t - start_t).seconds 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 方法2: import time t1 = time.localtime time.sleep(3) t2 = time.loca...
lunar_days = get_syear_days(lyear) + get_days_of_syear(syear, smonth, sday) \ - get_days_of_syear(lyear, spring_month, spring_day) else: lunar_days = get_days_of_syear(syear, smonth, sday) \ - get_days_of_syear(syear, spring_month, spring_day) lunar_days += 1 # ...
1、字符串转换成时间戳 2、 日期转换成时间戳
1import functools 2import time 3 4# ... 5 6def timer(func): 7 """Print the runtime of the decorated function""" 8 @functools.wraps(func) 9 def wrapper_timer(*args, **kwargs): 10 start_time = time.perf_counter() 11 value = func(*args, **kwargs) 12 end_time = time.perf...
minutes= int(input("Enter number of Minutes:")) seconds= int(input("Enter number of Seconds:"))#Calculate the days, hours, minutes and secondstotal_seconds = days *SECONDS_PER_DAY total_seconds= total_seconds + ( hours *SECONDS_PER_HOUR) ...
:param n: number of day :return: 返回指定日期字符串前n天的日期字符串 """dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str,'%Y%m%d') n_day = datetime.timedelta(days=n) former_n_day = dt - n_dayreturnformer_n_day.strftime('%Y%m%d')defget_universal_time():""" ...
#get the struct_time of the presenttime.localtime()>>>time.struct_time(tm_year=2024,tm_mon=2,tm_mday=29,tm_hour=10,tm_min=55,tm_sec=11,tm_wday=3,tm_yday=60,tm_isdst=0) .gmtime() #convert Timestamp to struct_timetime.gmtime(time.time())>>>time.struct_time(tm_year=2024,...
MAX_TIMES_GET_STARTUP = 120 # Maximum number of retries. # Maximum number of file downloading retries. MAX_TIMES_RETRY_DOWNLOAD = 3 MAX_TIMES_RETRY = 5 DELAY_INTERVAL = 10 # Define the file length. FELMNAMME_127 = 127 FELMNAMME_64 = 64 FELMNAMME_4 = 4 FELMNAMME_5 = 5 # Mode ...
self.get_current_url() # Get the URL of the current page. self.get_page_source() # Get the HTML of the current page. self.get_attribute(selector, attribute) # Get element attribute. self.get_title() # Get the title of the current page. self.switch_to_frame(frame) # Switch into...
@tl.job(interval=timedelta(seconds=10)) defsample_job_every_10s: print"10s job current time : {}".format(time.ctime) 利用threading.Timer实现定时任务 threading 模块中的 Timer 是一个非阻塞函数,比 sleep 稍好一点,timer最基本理解就是定时器,我们可以启动多个定时任务,这些定时器任务是异步执行,所以不...