frompathlibimportPath current_file=Path(__file__)# 创建Path对象parent_folder=current_file.parent# 获取父文件夹路径print(parent_folder) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 在这个示例中,我们使用Path对象将当前文件的路径包装起来。.parent属性返回Path对象的父文件夹路径。 方法三:使用os.path.split()方法 另一种...
使用os.path.dirname()Python 中的 os.path.dirname() 方法用于从指定路径获取目录名。语法:OS . path . dirname(path) 参数: 路径:表示文件系统路径的类路径对象。 返回类型:这个方法返回一个字符串值,代表指定路径的目录名。例:Python 3# Python program to get parent # directory import os # get ...
filenames is a list of the names of the non-directory files in dirpath. Note that the names in the lists are just names, with no path components. To get a full path (which begins with top) to a file or directory in dirpath, do os.path.join(dirpath, name). os.walk的函数声明为...
**>>> directory_path = Path(options.file1).parent >>> directory_path PosixPath('/Users/slott/Documents/Writing/Python Cookbook/code')** 使用Path对象的glob()方法来定位所有与给定模式匹配的文件。默认情况下,这不会递归遍历整个目录树: **>>>list(directory_path.glob("ch08_r*.py")) [PosixPath...
其中最有用的方法之一是get_parent(),它返回子表面的父表面。如果没有使用get_parent方法调用任何子表面,它将返回None。 现在,我们将学习关于表面对象的下一个方法,这是在使用 pygame 制作任何游戏时经常使用的blit,它代表位块传输。 blit你的对象 虽然术语blitting可能没有在牛津词典中定义,但在使用 pygame 制作...
Path.cwd():Return a new path object representing the current directory Path.home():Return a new path object representing the user’s home directory Path.expanduser():Return a new path with expanded ~ and ~user constructs 代码语言:txt
--extension-dir=DIR # (Load a Chrome Extension directory, comma-separated.) --disable-features="F1,F2" # (Disable features, comma-separated, no spaces.) --binary-location=PATH # (Set path of the Chromium browser binary to use.) --driver-version=VER # (Set the chromedriver or uc_driv...
If you don't do any dynamic imports, simply setting yourPYTHONPATHat compilation time is what you should do. Use--include-plugin-directoryonly if you make__import__()calls that Nuitka cannot predict, and that come from a directory, for everything from your Python installation, use--include...
```# Python script to remove empty folders in a directoryimport osdef remove_empty_folders(directory_path):for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory_path, topdown=False):for folder in dirs:folder_path = os.path.join(root,...
``` # Python script to remove empty folders in a directory import os def remove_empty_folders(directory_path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory_path, topdown=False): for folder in dirs: folder_path = os.path.join(root, folder) if not os.listdir(folder_path): os.rmdir(fo...