下面是js获取数组最后一个元素的三种方式 一、JavaScript pop() 方法 pop() 方法用于删除并返回数组的...
Or if I wanted to access say the first or the last element of that string,I can use my common generic sequence operations. 我也会做切片。 I can also do slicing. 所以我可能想从字符串的最开始开始,取前三个对象。 So I might want to start from the very beginning of the string and take...
通过将字典的items()方法作为参数传递给next()函数,我们可以获取字典的第一个键值对。 # 创建一个字典my_dict={1:'apple',2:'banana',3:'cherry'}# 获取字典的第一个元素first_element=next(iter(my_dict.items()))print(first_element) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 在上面的代码中,我们先使用iter()函数...
To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following Python programming topics: Python ListUsing negative indexing my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] # print the last element print(my_list[-1]) Run Code Output e When you use negative indexing, the ...
4.1 class string.Template(template) 4.1.1 高级用法 4.1.2 其他 5. 帮助函数 string.capwords(s,sep=None) 源代码:Lib/string.py 也可以看看 str类型及方法 1. 字符串常量 源码定义如下: whitespace = ' \t\n\r\v\f' ascii_lowercase = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ...
4 Ways to Get the Last Element of a List in Python As always, I try to create video summaries for folks who want to see the code executed live. In this case, I’ve featured all four solutions from this article in one ten-minute video. In other words, you’ll see me live code ...
# 访问元组中的第一个元素 first_element = my_tuple[0] # 结果为 1 # 访问元组中的最后一个元素 last_element = my_tuple[-1] # 结果为 3 2.元组运算 由于元组是不可变的,因此它们不支持添加、删除或修改元素的运算。但是,你可以对元组进行以下操作: 连接(Concatenation):使用 + 运算符可以将两个元组...
Post last modified:May 30, 2024 Reading time:9 mins read How to get substring of a string in Python? There are several methods you can use to get specific portions of a string, from simple slicing and string methods to more advanced techniques like regular expressions and the parse module....
# pop() 移除并返回最后一个元素 last_element = elements.pop() # 不带参数时删除最后一个元素 6. 查找元素的索引 要查找元素第一次出现的索引: # index() 返回元素首次出现的位置 index_of_air = elements.index('Air') # 获取'Air'的索引位置 7. 列表切片 要对列表进行切片,获取子列表: # 切片语...
, where −1 is the last element in a string, −2 is the second last, and so on. We can only use the integer number type for indexing; otherwise, the TypeError will be raised. Example: String1 = ‘intellipaat’ print (String1) print (String1[0]) print (String1[1]) print (...