String- str: str+__init__(str)+get_last_character() : str 通过上面的代码示例和图示,相信读者已经对如何使用Python来判断字符串的最后一个字符有了一定的了解。这些方法简单直接,易于掌握,在实际应用中也非常实用。希望本文对读者有所帮助,谢谢阅读!
下面是一个使用索引获取右边字符的示例代码: string="Hello, World!"last_character=string[-1]print(last_character) 1. 2. 3. 运行上面的代码,输出结果为: ! 1. 在这个示例中,我们定义了一个字符串变量string,然后使用索引-1获取了最后一个字符。最后,我们打印出了这个字符。 方法二:使用切片 除了使用索引...
\ Find last LF character in string, or return -1.: find-eol ( addr u -- eol-offset|-1 )begin1- dup 0>=while2dup + c@ 10 = ifnip exitthenrepeatnip ; : main ( -- )counts set-current \ Define into counts wordlist0 >r \ offset after remaining bytesbegin\ Read from remaining...
word[5]# Character in position 5. 输出为: Output 'n' 索引也可以是负数,表示计数从字符串的末尾开始。 由于 -0 相当于 0,因此负索引从 -1 开始: Python word[-1]# Last character. 输出为: Output 'n' 同样地,其他负索引会从相应的位置返回字符: ...
Upon running this code sample you should get back the length of our string. 33 One thing you should know is that the len() method returns the number of characters, counting from 1, not 0. If you want to use this method to get the last character in a string, you will need to subtr...
What if you want to print the last character of a string but you don’t know how long it is?You can do that usingnegative indexes. In the example above, we don’t know the length of the string, but we know that the word ‘text’ plus the exclamation sign take five indices, so ...
7、character :字符 二、字符串的操作 1、user:用户 2、name:姓名/名称 3、attribute:字段/属性 4、value:值 5、key:键 三、重复/转换/替换/原始字符串 1、upper:上面 2、lower:下面 3、capitalize:用大写字母写或印刷 4、title:标题 5、replace:替换 ...
For example, imagine I wanted to ask, is the character y part of my string? 所以我可以输入y,我可以问,y在S中吗? So I can type in my y, and I can ask, is y in S? 答案将会是真的。 And the answer is going to be True. 如果我使用大写字母Y,答案将是错误的。 If I use capital...
These FAQs are related to the most important concepts you’ve covered in this tutorial. Click theShow/Hidetoggle beside each question to reveal the answer: Get Your Code:Click here to download the free sample codeyou’ll use to learn about Python’s string formatting tools. ...
Python program to access and print characters from the string # access characters in string# declare, assign stringstr="Hello world"# print complete stringprint"str:",str# print first characterprint"str[0]:",str[0]# print second characterprint"str[1]:",str[1]# print last characterprint"...