import re date_re_str = '\d{4}[-/]*\d{2}[-/]*\d{2}' time_re_str = '\d{2}[...
print("UTC时间:", utc_time) print("北京时间:", beijing_time) 输出结果: UTC时间: 2023-10-01 04:34:56.789123+00:00 北京时间: 2023-10-01 12:34:56.789123+08:00 8.处理日期范围 使用pandas库可以方便地处理日期范围。 import pandas as pd # 处理日期范围 date_range = pd.date_range(start='...
import datetime# 获得当前时间now = 转换为指定的格式currentTime = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")print('currentTime =', currentTime)# currentTime = 2023-04-12 04:23:40 import time# 获得当前时间戳now = int(time.time())#转换为其他日期格式, 如:"%Y-%m-%d ...
1. Getting the Current Date and Time To get the current data and time: from datetime import datetime now = print(f"Current date and time: {now}") 2. Creating Specific Date and Time To conjure a moment from the past or future, crafting it with precision: specific_time ...
from import tzlocal print ( Output: 2019-11-01T10:49:58+00:00 Parsing a string with a short time zone name into a timr zone aware datetime object: from dateutil import tz ...
print(f"下个月此刻的时间是:{next_month_same_time}")4.1.2 利用date_range创建连续日期序列 ...
import time from datetime import datetime t = unix_t = int(time.mktime(t.timetuple())) #1672055277 #convert unix time to datetime unix_t = 1672055277 t = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_t) #2022-12-26 14:47:57 使用dateutil模块来解析日期字符串获得datetime对象。
Here,year,day,timeanddate_timeare strings, whereasnowis adatetimeobject. How strftime() works? In the above program,%Y,%m,%detc. are format codes. Thestrftime()method takes one or more format codes as an argument and returns a formatted string based on it. ...
time类 datetime类 timedelta类 tzinfo类 pytz模块 时区转换 夏令时处理 dateutil模块 parser.parse() rrule.rrule() Arrow UTC 时间 当地时间 解析时间 Unix 时间戳 格式化日期和时间 转换为区域时间 工作日 移动时间 夏令时 人性化的日期和时间 ISO 8601类 ...
To get the current date and time, import the datetime class from the datetime module. The datetime class has a method, now(), which returns the current date and time: from datetime import datetime current_date_time = print(current_date_time) Here’s the output of the code...