return list(reversed(folders)) path = "/home/user/Documents/example.txt" folder_names = get_folder_names(path) print("每个文件夹的名称:", folder_names) 运行以上代码,输出结果为: 每个文件夹的名称: ['home', 'user', 'Documents'] 通过定义get_folder_names()函数,我们可以方便地获取路径字符串...
def getUserHomeDir(self, userName=""): '''Retrieve the passed in user's home directory :param userName: (Default value = "") ''' success = False ### # Preprocess logging self.logger.log(lp.DEBUG, "processing:" + "") self.__calledBy() ### # Call factory created object's mirror...
(env) user@USER:/mnt/c/Projects/HelloWorld$ python3 -m flask run * Environment: production WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use itina production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead. * Debug mode: off * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit...
FILE_TYPE_PAT = 'pat' FILE_TYPE_MOD = 'mod' FILE_TYPE_LIC = 'lic' FILE_TYPE_USER = 'user' FILE_TYPE_FEATURE_PLUGIN = 'feature-plugin' #日志等级 LOG_INFO_TYPE = 'INFO' LOG_WARN_TYPE = 'WARNING' LOG_ERROR_TYPE = 'ERROR' # Configure the default mode for activating the ...
version = PandaSystem.getPackageVersionString() hostUrl = PandaSystem.getPackageHostUrl()ifplatform.startswith('win'): rootDir = Filename(Filename.getUserAppdataDirectory(),'Panda3D')elifplatform.startswith('osx'): rootDir = Filename(Filename.getHomeDirectory(),'Library/Caches/Panda3D')else:...
addedheaders={'user-agent':''} 任何命令行输入或输出都以以下方式编写: C:\> pip --version pip18.1fromc:\python37\lib\site-packages\pip (python3.7) 粗体:表示新术语、重要单词或屏幕上看到的单词。例如,菜单或对话框中的单词会以这样的方式出现在文本中。这是一个例子:“如果通过 Chrome 菜单访问开发...
由于Python 内置的shutil.rmtree()函数会不可逆地删除文件和文件夹,使用起来可能会很危险。删除文件和文件夹的一个更好的方法是使用第三方send2trash模块。你可以从终端窗口运行pip install --user send2trash来安装这个模块。(关于如何安装第三方模块的更深入的解释,请参见附录 A 。) ...
Path.cwd():Return a new path object representing the current directory Path.home():Return a new path object representing the user’s home directory Path.expanduser():Return a new path with expanded ~ and ~user constructs 代码语言:txt
The following subsections address storage from the point of view of a Buildozer user.Private StorageAn app can perform Python file operations (read, write, shutil) on its private storage. There are three usable storage location: the app install directory, the app storage directory, and the app...
spec="%TEMP%/onefile_%PID%_%TIME%"can be overridden with a path specification that is using then using a cached path, avoiding repeated unpacking, e.g. with--onefile-tempdir-spec="%CACHE_DIR%/%COMPANY%/%PRODUCT%/%VERSION%"which uses version information, and user-specific cache directory....