返回当前输出项的SpssOutputItem对象,如概要窗格中该项旁边的红色箭头所示。 语法
傳回IBM® SPSS® Statistics用戶端的現行工作目錄。 語法 SpssClient.GetCurrentDirectory()
defdelete(self):username = self.get_current_user() customer_name =get_current_customer_name(username) uri = self.request.uri method = self.request.methodtry: tag_id = self.arguments.get('id',None)iftag_id: tag = TagsManager(username, customer_name, uri, method) results = tag...
INV = {'response': message_id,'invalid_method': str} pattern, response = gevent.getcurrent().receive(RSP, EXC, INV)ifcancelisnotNone: cancel.cancel()ifpatternisINV:raiseRemoteAttributeError(method)elifpatternisEXC:raiseRemoteException(response)returnresponse['message'] 开发者ID:jrydberg,项目名称...
def wrap_restore_handle_error(method): @wraps(method) def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): old = gevent.get_hub().handle_error try: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: gevent.get_hub().handle_error = old if self.peek_error()[0] is not None: gevent.getcurrent().throw...
def get_current_time(self): #获取当前时间信息 params = { "method": "getCurrentTime", "currDate": datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') } req = self.session.get(self.url, params=params, timeout=5, headers=self.HEADERS) return req.text ...
Example of Thread.getName() Method in Python # Python program to explain the# use of getName() methodimporttimeimportthreadingdefthread_1(i):time.sleep(5)print('Value by '+str(threading.current_thread().getName())+" is: ",i)defthread_2(i):print('Value by '+str(threading.current_...
("parent"): response = requests.get(url='http://example.com') return json.dumps({ 'method': req.method, 'response': response.status_code, 'ctx_func_name': context.function_name, 'ctx_func_dir': context.function_directory, 'ctx_invocation_id': context.invocation_id, 'ctx_trace_...
Note that in the above code we first have to import the os module. Then, we print the current working directory using the “print” command. Next, we change the directory using theos.chdir()method, with the name of the desired directory (Documents) in the target folder path. Finally, we...
[:port] # http://hostname[:port] # 2) Do not add a trailing slash at the end of file server path. FILE_SERVER = 'sftp://sftpuser:Pwd123@' # Remote file paths: # 1) The path may include directory name and file name. # 2) If file name is not specified, indicate ...