Converting to Uppercase with the str.upper() Function Python provides a built-in method calledupper()for string objects. As you might guess, this method returns a copy of the original string converted to uppercase. Here's an example: str1='Hello, codedamn!'print(str1.upper())# Output:...
>>> help(s.upper) Help on built-in function upper: upper(...) S.upper() -> string Return a copy of the string S converted to uppercase. >>> 目录 | 上一节 (1.3 数字) | 下一节 (1.5 列表)注:完整翻译见
string.upper(),string.lower()和string.title()方法是Python中的内置方法,用于将字符串格式化为特殊格式,例如大写,小写或小写。 1) string.upper() 1)string.upper() Method returns uppercase string (where all characters of the string are in uppercase). 方法返回大写字符串(其中字符串的所有字符均为大写...
Note that part-of-speech tags have been converted to uppercase, since this has become standard practice(标准惯例) since the Brown Corpus was published. >>> nltk.corpus.brown.tagged_words() [('The', 'AT'), ('Fulton', 'NP-TL'), ('County', 'NN-TL'), ...] >>> nltk.corpus....
string.upper() In the syntax above, string is the name of the string that you want to convert to uppercase using the upper() function. Return Value of the Upper() Function in Python The upper() function in Python returns a new string with all the lowercase letters in the original strin...
These expressions have the form [f(w) for ...] or [w.f() for ...], where f is a function that operates on a word to compute its length, or to convert it to uppercase. For now, you don’t need to understand the difference between the notations f(w) and w.f(). Instead, ...
# Anotherstr()functionanother_string_function=str(True)#str()converts a boolean data type to string data type # An empty string empty_string=''# Also an empty string second_empty_string=""# We are not done yet third_empty_string="""# This is also an empty string:''' 在Python ...
Use the string methodupper()to convert a value into upper case letters: fruit ="apples" txt = f"I love {fruit.upper()}" print(txt) Try it Yourself » The function does not have to be a built-in Python method, you can create your own functions and use them: ...
"""This is a multiline comment to help explain what the spam() function does.""" print('Hello!') 索引和切片字符串 字符串和列表一样使用索引和切片。您可以将字符串'Hello, world!'视为一个列表,并将字符串中的每个字符视为一个具有相应索引的项。
Pythonfunctions are defined using thedefkeyword followed by the name of the function and the function’s input arguments. APythonfunction can be written to accept any number of input arguments (including none). A value is returned from the function using areturnstatement. The function name is ...