在Hackerrank中解决Python中的闰年函数问题,首先需要理解闰年的基础概念: 闰年基础概念: 闰年是为了补偿因人为历法规定造成的年度天数与地球实际公转周期的时间差而设立的。 通常,闰年是指能被4整除的年份,但是能被100整除而不能被400整除的年份不是闰年。
20 Two Strings Solution & Comment 21 String Construction WIP 22 Sherlock and Valid String Solution & Comment 23 Richie Rich WIP 24 Sherlock and Anagrams WIP 25 Common Child WIP 26 Bear and Steady Gene WIP 27 Morgan and a String WIP 28 Count Strings WIP 29 String Function Calculation WIP 30...
开发者ID:leoldn,项目名称:hackerrank,代码行数:7,代码来源:solution.py 示例11: test_iterator ▲点赞 1▼ deftest_iterator(self):reader =read_csv(StringIO(self.data1), index_col=0, iterator=True) df =read_csv(StringIO(self.data1), index_col=0) ...
#Given an array nums, write a function to move all zeroes to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of #the non-zero elements. array1 = [0,1,0,3,12]array2 = [1,7,0,0,8,0,10,12,0,4] def solution(nums): for i in nums: if 0 in nums: nums.remove(0) nums...
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# Approach 1:def solution(num1,num2):eval(num1) +eval(num2)returnstr(eval(num1) +eval(num2))print(solution(num1,num2)) #Approach2#Given a string of length one, the ord() function returns an integer representing the Unic...
我正在尝试用HackerRank创建一个模式,据我所知,我的解决方案是有效的。size = int(input())for i in range(size):---e-d-e---但是当我试着提交它时,我得到了 File "solution.py", line 12, in <mod 浏览1提问于2018-03-18得票数 1 4回答 无法...