首先客户端与服务端都要先生成socket对象,创建socket实例。 然后服务端通过bind函数绑定端口,并进行监听,服务端再使用accept方法进入阻塞状态,等待一个连接的到来 客户端使用connect函数通过以元组形式传入一个IP地址与端口号,与服务端建立连接 客户端读取用户的输入,我们可以判断一下,如果这串字符以get开头,那么就把get...
print(f"FTP server is running on {self.host}:{self.port}") while True: conn, addr = self.socket.accept() thread = threading.Thread(target=self.handle_connection, args=(conn, addr)) thread.start() def stop(self): self.socket.close() 第四步:处理连接和命令 在handle_connection方法中,我...
cipher_password = cipher.encrypt(password)# we send credentialsprint("User: "+ cipher_user)print("Password: "+ cipher_password)# We simulate the server where the messages arrive encrypted.# we decode messages and remove spaces with strip()cipher = DES.new('mycipher') decipher_user = cipher...
[root@hadoop my-test-files]# python3 ftp_socket_server1_simple.py 等待新客户端连接 new conn: ('', 34556) 等待新指令 文件名: test.txt 等待客户ack应答... 客户应答: ready to recv file send done 等待新指令 [root@hadoop my-test-files]# python3 ftp_socket_client1_simple.py >...
With Python 3.2, an alternative approach becomes available: extension modules which restrict themselves to a limited API (by defining Py_LIMITED_API) cannot use many of the internals, but are constrained to a set of API functions that are promised to be stable for several releases. As a conse...
chrome_options.add_argument(--proxy-serverhttp://ip:端口)#添加代理ip和端口 driverwebdriver.Chrome(chrome_optionschrome_options)#启用 第3章常用爬虫框架Scrapy21 第3章 常用爬虫框架Scrapy 写程序的时候,别人写好的工具、库、框架被称作轮子。有现成的,写好的东西不用,自己 又去写一遍,这叫作重复造轮子。
ftplib.py functools.py genericpath.py getopt.py getpass.py gettext.py glob.py graphlib.py gzip.py hashlib.py heapq.py hmac.py imaplib.py inspect.py io.py ipaddress.py keyword.py linecache.py locale.py lzma.py mailbox.py mimetypes.py modulefinder.py netrc.py ntpath.py nturl2path.py...
`ftplib.FTP` behavior to not trust the IPv4 " "address sent from the remote server when setting up a passive data channel. " "We reuse the ftp server IP address instead. For unusual code requiring the " "old behavior, set a ``trust_server_pasv_ipv4_address`` attribute on your FTP ...
With Python 3.2, an alternative approach becomes available: extension modules which restrict themselves to a limited API (by defining Py_LIMITED_API) cannot use many of the internals, but are constrained to a set of API functions that are promised to be stable for several releases. As a conse...
FTP FTP is a protocol used for remote file transfer. If you plan to make your FTP server publicly available, enable this option. You need the vsftpd package installed for this option to be useful. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 每一个服务定义都需要一个简短的名字、描述和端口网络用于指定需要使用的协议...