To align a string to the right use thestring functionstr.rjust left_padding = longest_key_length +5forkinpairs.keys():print'|'+ (k +' : ').rjust(left_padding) to fill a string with spaces to a fixed with use thestring functionstr.ljust max_l =105max_right =...
In the previous example, the value '15' is encoded as part of the format string. It is also possible to supply such values as an argument. Example: >>> '{:<{}s}'.format('Python', 15) 'Python ' >>> In the following example we have used '*' as a padding character. Example: ...
1. 百分号 (%) 格式化 这种方式最早出现在 Python 2 中,但在 Python 3 中依然可用。其语法为%后接格式字符(如s表示字符串,d表示整数,f表示浮点数)。 name="Alice"age=30formatted_string="Name: %s, Age: %d"%(name,age)print(formatted_string) 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. str.format() 方法 str.format(...
data = dict(fun ="GeeksForGeeks", adj ="Portal") # using format() in dictionary print("I love {fun} computer {adj}".format(**data)) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 输出: 3 使用 String 方法格式化输出: 此输出通过使用字符串切片和连接操作进行格...
This is a center padded string. Right Padding Right padding is analogous to left padding - the given character is added to the end of the string until the string reaches a certain length. Python Functions For String Padding Python offers many functions to format and handle strings, their use...
String (default) try:print("{:s}".format(123))except:print("{}".format(456))# 456
String interpolation in Python involves embedding variables and expressions into strings. You create an f-string in Python by prepending a string literal with an f or F and using curly braces to include variables or expressions. You can use variables in Python’s .format() method by placing ...
用string.format:>>> msg = 'hello world'>>> 'msg: {}'.format(msg)'msg: hello world'有了f-string后,可以简化成如下:>>> msg = 'hello world'>>> f'msg: {msg}''msg: hello world’可以看到,用fstring明显就清晰简化了很多,并且也更加具有可读性。fstring的一般用法如下:可以f或者F开头,...
Format specifiers for types, padding, or aligning are specified after the colon character; for instance:f'{price:.3}', wherepriceis a variable name. Python string formatting The following example summarizes string formatting options in Python. ...
(12)) # width doesn't work for numbers longer than padding print("{:2d}".format(1234)) # padding for float numbers print("{:8.3f}".format(12.2346)) # integer numbers with minimum width filled with zeros print("{:05d}".format(12)) # padding for float numbers filled with zeros ...