firstName ='Bob'lastName='Dylan'print('你的名字是%s, 你的姓是%s'% (firstName, lastName)) 对于string, list等类型的变量,一律可用%s代替。 对于int类型,用%d 对于float类型,用%f 如果需要对float类型的变量进行小数点后位数的控制,则使用%.<number of digits>f。如 pai = 3.14159print('%.2f'%pai...
Perform a string formatting operation. The string on which this method is called can contain literal text or replacement fields delimited by braces {}. Each replacement field contains either the numeric index of a positional argument, or the name of a keyword argument. Returns a copy of the st...
f-string,亦称为格式化字符串常量(formatted string literals),是Python3.6新引入的一种字符串格式化方法,该方法源于PEP 498 – Literal String Interpolation,主要目的是使格式化字符串的操作更加简便。f-string在形式上是以 f 或 F 修饰符引领的字符串(f'xxx' 或 F'xxx'),以大括号 {} 标明被替换的字段;f-s...
>>> ('The complex number {0} is formed from the real part {0.real} ' ... 'and the imaginary part {0.imag}.').format(c) 'The complex number (3-5j) is formed from the real part 3.0 and the imaginary part -5.0.' >>> class Point: ... def __init__(self, x, y): ......
Concatenate any number of strings. The string whose method is called is inserted in between each given string. The result is returned as a new string. Example: '.'.join(['ab', 'pq', 'rs']) -> '' 连接任意数量的字符串。
| S.__format__(format_spec) - > string | | Return a formatted version of S as described by format_spec. | | __ge__(...) | x.__ge__(y) < = = > x> = y | | __getattribute__(...) | x.__getattribute__( 'name' ) < = = > ...
string类型数据 整型数据格式化 浮点型数据格式化 'g'解释 General format. For a given precision p >= 1, this rounds the number to p significant digits and then formats the result in either fixed-point format or in scientific notation, depending on its magnitude. ...
八、string模块常用字符串常量 结束 《Python语言程序设计基础》: 在Python解析器内部,所有数据类型都采用面向对象方式实现,封装成一个类。 字符串也是一个类,它具有类似.()形式的字符串处理函数。 在面向对象中,这类函数被称为“方法”。 无特别说明,str是将要进行处理的目标字符串。全部方法操作后返回副本,不赋值...
Decimal.Context(prec=3,rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP).create_decimal(string类型)返回正常的四舍五入的答案 本节知识视频教程 本节课程我们学习数字格式化输出,以下开始文字讲解: 强大的format函数 一、保留小数位 Format(参数1,参数2) 参数1:需要格式化的数字 ...
How String format() works? Theformat()reads the type of arguments passed to it and formats it according to the format codes defined in the string. For positional arguments Positional arguments Here, Argument 0 is a string "Adam" and Argument 1 is a floating number 230.2346. ...