msg1="hello {name},i'm {age}." print(msg1.format(name="ss",age=29)) msg2="hello {0},i'm {1}." print(msg2.format("ss",29)) n3={'name':'ss','age':29} msg3="my name is {name} and age is {age}" print(msg3.format_map(n3)) s1 = "---{name:s}___{age:d}...
2. str.format()方法 3. f-string方法 1. 百分号(%)格式化 这是Python早期版本中使用的传统格式化方法。尽管在新的代码中不推荐使用这种方式,但它仍然支持。 name = "John" age = 30 print("Hello, %s. You are %d years old." % (name, age)) %s表示字符串 %d表示整数 2. str.format()方法 ...
raw_string = r"C:\Users\Alice\Documents" print(raw_string)# 输出:C:\Users\Alice\Documents 总结 本文详细介绍了Python字符串的几种常见格式化方法,包括使用百分号%操作符、str.format()方法和f字符串(f-string),以及其他相关的输出技巧。掌握这些技巧,可以帮助你在处理和展示数据时更加灵活和高效。希望这些内...
name = "my name is {name} and i am {year} old" print(name.format(name='allan',year=30)) #传递参数进去 print(name.format_map({'name':'allan','year':'30'})) #利用字典传参数 两种执行结果都为:my name is allan and i am 30 old print('abc123'.isalnum()) #判断字符串中是否含有...
formatted_string = "Name: {name}, Age: {age}".format(name="Bob", age=25) print(formatted_string) # 输出:Name: Bob, Age: 25 常用格式化选项 {:.2f}:保留两位小数 {:<10}:左对齐,宽度为10 {:>10}:右对齐,宽度为10 {:^10}:居中对齐,宽度为10 ...
1#字符串类型2#从左到右,从0开始递增34#python字符串的三种表示方式5#普通字符串:用''或者""来包裹字符串(还是""用得亲切,😀)6#原始字符串:raw string 在原有的普通字符串前面加上一个r,表示字符串中的特殊字符不用转义,直接原样输出7#长字符串:用'''或者"""包裹的就是长字符串,它可以让字符串中包...
"{0}" is a format string placeholder in Python's formatting mini-language, but it's also a regex quantifier. If you are using a raw string, it is more likely that you are defining a regular expression than a format string, which is why ST highlights it that way. (This is the same...
前面讲述的format()函数中涉及到该知识,如'%6.2f'%12.345678 输出"口12.35"当中6表示字段宽度,2表示精度,故补一个空格,同一时候採用四舍五入的方法结果输出12.35. 同一时候,零(0)可表示数字将会用0填充,减号(-)用来实现左对齐数值,空白(" ")意味着正数前加上空格,在正负数对其时很实用,加号表示无论正数还是...
If they don’t conform to that format, then Python will raise an exception and stop running your code. To properly represent a Windows path as a string literal, you can either manually escape each backslash character or use a raw string literal: Python path1 = "C:\\Users\\Real Python...