pad: 填充字符 '''str_len =len(string)# 原始长度foriinstr(string):ifis_Chinese(i):# 判断是否中文 中文长度 +1str_len +=1#pad_len = max_len - str_len# 计算需要填充的长度if_type=='L': _left =0_right = pad_lenelif_type=='R': _left = pad_len _right =0else: _left = pad...
1,side side属性有四个可选值:'top'、'bottom'、'left'、'right',分别表示将控件位置设在窗口顶部中心、底部中心、左边中心、右边中心。side默认值为'top'。 2,padx、pady、ipadx、ipady 这四个属性分别设置控件水平方向外边距、竖直方向外边距、水平方向内边距、竖直方向内边距。 3,fill fill属性有四个可...
# Field 0: left justify, pad to 15 characters # Field 1: right justify, pad to 6 characters fmt = '{0:15} ${1:>6}' fmt.format('Registration', 35) -> 'Registration $ 35' fmt.format('Tutorial', 50) -> 'Tutorial $ 50' fmt.format('Banquet', 125) -> 'Banquet $ 125' 格式...
=1: cat_q.base.delete("bait") cat_q.scoreUpd() cat_q.length+=1 return def scoreUpd(cat_q): cat_q.score+=1 cat_q.scoreText['text']="Berry : {}".format(cat_q.score) return def keysCapt(cat_q,event=None): stepping = 10 pressedkey=event.keysym if ...
创建提示 为了执行指令微调,我们必须将每个数据示例转换为指令,并将其主要部分概述如下:def format_instruction(sample): return f"""### Instruction:Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a programming code that can solve the following Task:### Task:{sample['...
Python输出怎么靠右对齐python右对齐输出format python中格式化字符串有三种方式:%方式format方式f方式本博文先聊聊前两种1.% 方式格式:%[(name)] [flags] [width] .[precision] typecode(name) 可选,用于选择指定的keyprint("%(name)s的年龄是%(age)d岁" % {"name":"小明","age":20}) # 输出结果为:...
# time.strftime(format, time_object) = formats a time_object to a string #strfttime有诸多指令,是按照指令来调用时间的,给个列表如下 #%a 缩写的星期几名称 Sun #%A 完整的星期几名称 Sunday #%b 缩写的月份名称 Mar #%B 完整的月份名称 March ...
Binary file format for storing Python objects.import pickle <bytes> = pickle.dumps() # Converts object to bytes object. = pickle.loads(<bytes>) # Converts bytes object to object.Read Object from Filedef read_pickle_file(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as file: return pickle.loa...
>>> msg = 'hello world'>>> 'msg: {}'.format(msg)'msg: hello world'有了f-string后,可以简化成如下:>>> msg = 'hello world'>>> f'msg: {msg}''msg: hello world’可以看到,用fstring明显就清晰简化了很多,并且也更加具有可读性。fstring的一般用法如下:可以f或者F开头,可以添加r或者R,...
cos(np.deg2rad(ang)) horizontalalignment = {-1: "right", 1: "left"}[int(np.sign(x))] connectionstyle = "angle,angleA=0,angleB={}".format(ang) kw["arrowprops"].update({"connectionstyle": connectionstyle}) ax.annotate(recipe[i], xy=(x, y), xytext=(1.35*np.sign(x), 1.4*y),...