items()方法用于返回一个包含字典所有键值对的视图对象,然后我们利用for循环依次遍历这些键值对。 代码示例 让我们通过一个简单的示例来演示如何使用for循环遍历字典: # 创建一个字典my_dict={'name':'Alice','age':25,'city':'New York'}# 遍历字典并输出键值对forkey,valueinmy_dict.items():print(f'{ke...
一起使用Python里for循环和dictionary字典 1.先定义一个字典的内容 1 i= 2 { 3 'status': 'success', 4 'country': '中国', 5 'countryCode': 'CN', 6 'region': 'BJ' 7 } 2.打印字典看看 1 i= 2 { 3 'status': 'success', 4 'country': '中国', 5 'countryCode': 'CN', 6 '...
A dictionary comprehension is placed between two curly brackets; it has three parts: for loop, condition, and expression. In the for loop, we go through the dictionary. The optional if condition specifies a condition which must be met. In the end, the expression is evaluated. The expression ...
一起使用Python里for循环和dictionary字典 工具/原料 Python 方法/步骤 1 新建一个空白的PYTHON文档。2 先定义一个字典的内容,并且打印看看有没有错误。person = { "Peter": "funny", "Jence": "Super", "Alice": "Crazy", "Ben": "Smart",}print(person)3 如果直接运用FOR循环,那么只会把关键...
Dictionaries cannot have two items with the same key: Example Duplicate values will overwrite existing values: thisdict ={ "brand":"Ford", "model":"Mustang", "year":1964, "year":2020 } print(thisdict) Try it Yourself » Dictionary Length ...
Suggested Reading: Working with JSON files in Python Convert JSON File to Python Dictionary If we have a JSON file instead of a json string, we can also convert it to a dictionary. For this, we will use the following steps. First, we will open the JSON file in read mode using the op...
Example: Access Dictionary Using For Loop Copy capitals = {"USA":"Washington D.C.", "France":"Paris", "India":"New Delhi"} for key in capitals: print("Key = " + key + ", Value = " + capitals[key]) Try it Output Key = 'USA', Value = 'Washington D.C.' Key = 'France'...
for pass class from print continue global raise def if return del import try elif in while else is with except lambda yield 4. Python的缩进与多行语句写法 4.1 Python中的缩进要求非常严格,必须严格对齐。因为Python的代码块不由{}控制,而是由缩进就可以控制。 4.2 使用斜杠( \)将一行的语句分为多行...