Python 3.9+ installers that support Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 - adang1345/PythonWin7
PythonForWindows support python2.7 & python3 and is currently tested for Python2.7, 3.6 & 3.11 via Github WorkflowSince 1.0.0, the code uses "wide APIs" whenever possible and accept/returns python3 str (py2.7 unicode type) almost everywhere. Any functions/APIs not accepting unicode string can...
#先下载git for windows, 链接: 密码: ayi6 #然后进入site-packages文件夹,右键:Git Bash Here,输入:git clone #然后切到theano文件夹里安装一下即可:python install 9. 配置Theano。在WinPython目录下的settings文件夹内创...
从github下载到的原wordcloud安装包中,提到如果安装还是有问题的的话可以试试安装链接中的.whl文件。 不过,我是没下载这个.whl文件的,前面讲到的坑补完就好了。 字体的坑 Win10和Win7的默认字体后缀竟然不一样 生成云词图的过程中,自己设置字体为“微软雅黑 粗体”,在系统(Win10)路径中找到了这个字体的路径“C:...
# Mozilla/5.0(compatible;MSIE10.0;Macintosh;Intel MacOSX10_7_3;Trident/6.0)' ua['Internet Explorer']# Mozilla/5.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT6.1;Trident/4.0;GTB7.4;InfoPath.2;SV1;.NETCLR3.3.69573;WOW64;en-US)ua.opera # Opera/9.80(X11;Linux i686;U;ru)Presto/2.8.131Version/
azureml applies to operationalization tasks associated with a standalone server context and might be of limited use for in-database analytics. Download an installation script. On the appropriate following GitHub page, select Download raw file. installs version 9.2.1 of the...
Azure file shares can be mounted concurrently by cloud or on-premises deployments of Windows, Linux, and macOS. Additionally, Azure file shares can be cached on Windows Servers with Azure File Sync for fast access near where the data is being used. Azure file shares can be used to: Replace...
For Windows: Tkinter should already be installed with the standard Python distribution. If you're using a customized Python version, you may need to reinstall it or choose a different distribution. After installing or ensuring that tkinter is properly installed, you should be able to import it ...
PTVS (Python Tools for Visual Studio) 是一个在github上开源项目。 PTVS 在 IronPython Tools for Visual Studio(IronPython 2.7)的代码基础上进行了增强并添加了对CPython、集群(Cluster)的支持,以及诸如NumPy和SciPy这样的新模块。 主要特性包括:CPython、IronPython、Jython和PyPy;高级编辑功能如IntelliSense;多重...
pynsist:一个用来创建 Windows 安装程序的工具,可以在安装程序中打包 Python 本身。 pyarmor:一个用于加密 python 脚本的工具,也可以将加密后的脚本绑定到固件上,或设置已加密脚本的有效期。 shiv:一个命令行工具,可用于构建完全独立的 zip 应用(PEP 441 所描述的那种),同时包含了所有的依赖项。