对于流动性,options 不像股票,一般来说只有一些体量巨大且足够热门的股票,才有足够的流动性,所以你选择特斯拉(TSLA)这样的股票做 options trading,才可能在你想要交易的时候,有足够买方/卖方去匹配。 对于剩余时间,option trading 要避免剩余时间太长或者太短的合约,太长的合约价格不友好;太短的合约有归零风险。如果用...
回报最大化的潜力(Potential for Maximizing Returns):选择权提供了放大回报的潜力,特别是对于较小的初始投资。这种杠杆(Leverage)可能很有吸引力,但它也放大了潜在的损失,可以透过适当的风险管理技术(Risk Management Techniques)来管理。灵活性(Flexibility):选择权提供了比单纯买卖股票更广泛的策略。交易者可...
因此,我们必深入且完整地认知期权交易(Options Trading),并采用适宜的风险管理策略(Risk Management Strategy)来为自身的投资保驾护航,这一点至关重要且不容忽视。 主要选择权希腊字母是一组五个字母,代表影响选择权价格的关键因素。这些是选择权交易者分析和管理其头寸风险的基本工具。 以下是每个希腊文的意思: Delta...
In the dynamic world of finance, options trading offers a versatile toolset for navigating market volatility. Among these strategies, the straddle option stands out for its ability to profit from significant price movements, regardless of direction. Through thorough analysis and implementation techniques,...
c) 他们的交易模式 - 您不希望交易流动性不足的资产;您限制自己只交易交易活跃的资产。 应该定义相关的金融数据: a) 频率:每日、每月、日内等等 b) 数据来源 应该定义模型的参数。 应定义它们的定时、入场、退出规则和头寸规模策略 - 例如,我们不能交易超过平均每日交易量的 10%;通常,进入/退出决策由几个指标...
pytesseract - A wrapper for Google Tesseract OCR. tesserocr - Another simple, Pillow-friendly, wrapper around the tesseract-ocr API for OCR. Configuration Files Libraries for storing and parsing configuration options. configparser - (Python standard library) INI file parser. configobj - INI file par...
as well as details relevant for stock trading (like the opening stock price, day’s high, day’s low, etc.). Not only that, but it also provides the option information (like calls and puts along with their strike prices, volume, etc.) for the specified stock. The options d...
for i in range(1,10): print(i) 1. 2. Python Copy i= 1 while (i<10): i += 1 if i!= 8: continue else: break 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Python Copy 2.3.1 函数 def function(param): # function为函数名,param为参数
.add_xaxis(["2017/7/{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(31)]) .add_yaxis("kline", data) .set_global_opts( xaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(is_scale=True), yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts( is_scale=True, splitarea_opts=opts.SplitAreaOpts( ...
such as backtesting trading strategies and interacting with online trading platforms. Some of the biggest buy- and sell-side institutions make heavy use of Python. By exploring options for systematically building and deploying automated algorithmic trading strategies, this book will help you level the...