Loop- loop_variable : Any+loop() : void 结论 在Python中,使用合适的变量名对于编写清晰、易懂的代码非常重要。在for循环中,命名循环变量时,我们可以根据变量的用途、循环的类型等因素来选择适当的命名方式。无论是使用单个字母还是有意义的名称,或是使用计数器或迭代器的名称,都可以让代码更加易读、易懂。希望...
This is where a nested for loop works better. The first loop (parent loop) will go over the words one by one. The second loop (child loop) will loop over the characters of each of the words. words=["Apple","Banana","Car","Dolphin"]forwordinwords:#This loop is fetching word from...
在旅途中,我们会遇到需要为不同循环选择合适变量名的情境。 Display the current itemFinish looping through the listLoad the list of fruitsStart the 'for' loop with descriptive variable Step 1 Load Data Step 2 Begin Loop Step 3 Print Output Step 4 End Loop Variable Naming Journey 在这个旅行图中,...
如果非要使用,可以使用下划线 _ 来区分,例如 for_loop。使用有意义的缩写:如果使用通用的缩写,可以不用写出全称。例如,使用 info 代替 information。使用驼峰命名法:变量名、函数名和类名都应使用驼峰命名法,首字母小写,后续单词首字母大写。例如,my_variable、my_function 和 my_class。避免使用单个字符作为...
key=stats.get) # different variable name in for loop # method 1 # cannot assign rvalue to lvalue for k in range(5): exec(f'cat_{k} = k*2') # method 2 # this works for x in range(0, 9): globals()['string%s' % x] = 'Hello' # method 3 # good d = {} for x in ...
python1---variable,condition,function and loop Python is like a programming language that's based on a snake. It is a weird language,is is strange,is's not easily understood by others.Welcome to being a PythonisaIt turns out that what Python was named for was Monty Python's Flying Circu...
# python loopmake.py Loop type? (For/While)f Data type? (Number/Seq)s Enter sequence: [932,'grail',3.0,'arrghhh'] Interative variable name?eachItem --- Your custom-generated code: --- for eachItem in [932,'grail',3.0,'arrghhh']: print eachItem...
循环语句就是遍历一个序列,循环去执行某个操作,Python 中的循环语句有 for 和 while。 for循环 代码语言:javascript 复制 # Initialize the list weekdays=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]print("Seven Weekdays are:\n")# Iterate the list usingforloopfordayinra...
#coding:utf-8deffibo_loop(n):result=[0,1]foriinrange(n-2):result.append(result[-2]+result[-1])returnresultif__name__=="__main__":fib_list=fibo_loop(10)print(fib_list) 示例二,使用递归,裴波那契数列。 deffibo_recur(n):ifn<=1:returnnelse:return(fibo_recur(n-1)+fibo_recur(...