foriinrange(len(thislist)): print(thislist[i]) Try it Yourself » The iterable created in the example above is[0, 1, 2]. Using a While Loop You can loop through the list items by using awhileloop. Use thelen()function to determine the length of the list, then start at 0 and...
这是我们之前讲的一个例子,换成for之后就长这样: # Given a list of students' name student_list = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Cat', 'David', 'Evan', 'Frank', 'Gary', ] # Loop through the list with the each student for student in student_list: # Determine if the student passes the course...
使用for循环可以遍历一个列表,从最左到最右: 1 2 3 a=["Listof some sort”] forxina: # Do something for every x 2.You can also use aforloop on a dictionary to loop through itskeyswith the following:可以使用for循环通过key值去遍历一个字典 webster ={"Aardvark":"A star of a popular chi...
You can loop through a dictionary by using a for loop.When looping through a dictionary, the return value are the keys of the dictionary, but there are methods to return the values as well.ExampleGet your own Python Server Print all key names in the dictionary, one by one: for x in ...
使用for循环 Using thewhileloop 使用while循环 for循环 (Theforloop) Let us first see what's the syntax, 首先让我们看看语法是什么 for [ELEMENT] in [ITERATIVE-LIST]: [statement to execute] else: [statement to execute when loop is over] ...
for x in [1, 2, 3]: print x, # iteration Loop through a list: for in a = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate'] for x in a[:]: # make a slice copy of the entire list if len(x) > 6: a.insert(0, x) print a 运行结果: ...
循环的另一大语法魔王则是for循环语句。Python的循环比较特殊,通常比如在C语言中,for依旧遵循while的基本三原则,控制变量初始化、条件判断和变量更新,如下: #include int main(){ int ind, loop_num; for(ind = 0; ind < 10; ind++){ loop_num = ind + 1; ...
Example: Loop Through a String language ='Python'# iterate over each character in languageforxinlanguage:print(x) Run Code Output P y t h o n Here, we have printed each character of the stringlanguageusing aforloop. for Loop with Python range() ...
The output above shows that theforloop iterated through the list, and printed each item from the list per line. Lists and other sequence-baseddata typeslikestringsandtuplesare common to use with loops because they are iterable. You can combine these data types withrange()to add items to a...
LoopsSometimes, you need to perform code on each item in a list. This is called iteration, and it can be accomplished with a while loop and a counter variable.For example: words = ["hello", "world", "spam", "eggs"]