Definite Iteration: When we know how many times we wanted to run a loop, then we use count-controlled loops such as for loops. It is also known as definite iteration. For example, Calculate the percentage of 50 students. here we know we need to iterate a loop 50 times (1 iteration fo...
Python "for" Loops: The Pythonic Way In this quiz, you'll test your understanding of Python's for loop. You'll revisit how to iterate over items in a data collection, how to use range() for a predefined number of iterations, and how to use enumerate() for index-based iteration.Gett...
for index, value in enumerate(my_list): print(index, value) 1. 2. 3. 输出结果: AI检测代码解析 0 apple 1 banana 2 orange 1. 2. 3. 在这个例子中,我们创建了一个列表my_list,并使用for循环和enumerate()函数来遍历该列表中的所有元素。在循环中,我们使用变量index和value来保存当前元素的索引和值...
python for loop with index #!/usr/bin/python3 Blue = 17 GREEN = 27 RED = 22 LEDs = list([RED, GREEN, Blue]) for index, led in enumerate(LEDs): print('led = ', LEDs[index]) # 22, 27, 17 # 等价于,start default 0 for index, led in enumerate(LEDs, start=0): print('led...
Loop Through the Index NumbersYou can also loop through the list items by referring to their index number.Use the range() and len() functions to create a suitable iterable.Example Print all items by referring to their index number: thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]for i in ...
如果您已经有了列表/数组,但还不知道其大小,则可以使用此选项。 for idx,data in enumerate(content_list): print(idx) # will print the index of the loop starting fr...
Python For Loop Index using enumerate() Function Theenumerate()function in Python takes the iterable object, attaches a counter to it (which is calledindex), and returns the enumerate objects, which contain both value and their indices.
{%forbookinbooks %}<!--loop.first,看是否是第一迭代,是True,不是false-->{%ifloop.first %} <!--loop.last,看是否是最后一次迭代,是True,不是false-->{%elifloop.last %}{%else%}{% endif %}<!---loop.index 从1开始计数,计数列表有多少元素--> <!---loop.index0 从0开始技术--> {{ ...
for迴圈中,最為常見的「可迭代物」當屬range()函式莫屬。 想要了解range()函式與for迴圈如何搭配,稍微瞭解range()怎麼操作,你會更得心應手。 range()函式基本瞭解 range()函式可以輸入三個參數,彼此以逗號隔開,參數只能是數值或是代表index的物件: ...