count +=1 #每次loop 计数器+1 if count ==3 : countine_confirm = input ("do you wang to guessing.(If the input N the end)") if countine_confirm !='n': count=0 print(count) else: # while 循环如果被 break 所结束,不执行该语句 print("you are wrong") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6....
In computer science, afor-loop(or simplyfor loop) is a control flow statement for specifying iteration, which allows code to be executed repeatedly。(作用:介绍了for循环是什么?) A for-loop has two parts: a header specifying the iteration, and a body which is executed onceper iteration. (fo...
In computer science, afor-loop(or simplyfor loop) is a control flow statement for specifying iteration, which allows code to be executed repeatedly。(作用:介绍了for循环是什么?) A for-loop has two parts: a header specifying the iteration, and a body which is executed once per iteration. (...
在很多的高级语言中都有for循环(for loop)。for语句是编程语言中针对可迭代对象的语句,它的主要作用是允许代码被重复执行。看一段来自维基百科的介绍: Incomputer science, afor-loop(or simplyfor loop) is acontrol flowstatementfor specifyingiteration, which allows code to beexecutedrepeatedly。(作用:介绍了f...
forxinadj: foryinfruits: print(x, y) Try it Yourself » The pass Statement forloops cannot be empty, but if you for some reason have aforloop with no content, put in thepassstatement to avoid getting an error. Example forxin[0,1,2]: ...
count+= 1ifcount == 3:breakprint("Loop",count)else:print("循环正常执行完啦")print("---out of while loop ---") 输出 Loop1Loop2 ---out ofwhileloop --- 2.死循环 importtime num=0whileTrue:print('count',num) time.sleep(1) ...
for下面的正常走完,才走else,不是正常走完,不走else foriinrange(0,10,2):print("loop",i) 2是每隔一个跳一个,相当于步长,默认1 age_of_oldboy = 56count=0whilecount < 3: guess_age= int(input("guess_age:"))ifguess_age ==age_of_oldboy:print("yes,you got it.")breakelifguess_age...
for语句是编程语言中针对可迭代对象的语句,它的主要作用是允许代码被重复执行。看一段来自维基百科的介绍: Incomputer science, afor-loop(or simplyfor loop) is acontrol flowstatementfor specifyingiteration, which allows code to beexecutedrepeatedly。(作用:介绍了for循环是什么?) ...
为什么要挑战自己在代码里不写for loop?因为这样可以迫使你去学习使用比较高级、比较地道的语法或 library。文中以Python为例子,讲了不少大家其实在别人的代码里都见过、但自己很少用的语法。 自从我开始探索Python中惊人的语言功能已经有一段时间了。一开始,我给自己一个挑战,目的是让我练习更多的Python语言功能,而...
while陳述句(statement)所建立的迴圈不像for迴圈,需要在一定的範圍內迭代;也不像if陳述句,只存在執行一次或不執行的狀況。只要陳述的條件為真True,while迴圈就會持續到天荒地老,或者電腦當掉。 如果你對for迴圈或if陳述句不熟悉,可以閱讀〈Python for 迴圈(loop)的基本認識與7種操作〉、〈Python if 陳述句的...