最近在Coursera上完成了密歇根大学的【ProgrammingForEverybody】课程,真是收获满满!这个课程非常火爆,我花了7周时间搞定了【GettingStartedwithPython】入门课程,顺利拿到了证书。这个课程算是入门级的,如果你还想进阶,还有【PythonDataStructure】也是7周的课程。等到全部课程结束,会有一个毕业典礼,感觉特别棒! 说实话,...
全职妈学Python,懵并快乐着! 最近在学习Coursera上的Python for Everybody Specialization,其中第三门课是“Using Python to Access Web Data”。因为学习顺序搞反了,所以这成了我的第四张证书。整体感觉可以用两个字来形容:懵逼!😵 不知道是不是因为学习期间经历了一次严重的乳腺炎,感觉这门课的作业和quiz真的...
很久没用使用Python编程了,在小破站上看到了密歇根大学的Python for Everybody课程的相关信息,心血来潮想借这个课程温习一遍Python,感谢Dr. Chuck! 课程资料 视频 Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/python bilibili: 【中英字幕】Python for everybody-不可错过的五星推荐python入门课程! 密歇根大学《...
Getting Started with Python is the first course in the specialization Python for Everybody. It covers Chapters 1-5 of the textbook Python for Informatics, which is the same material as the first half of the course Programming for Everybody (Python). Each Chapter will have a quiz and one or...
Coursera — Python for Everybody Specialization by the University of Michigan— Top Pick $49 per month ✓ No prerequisites required ✓ Flexible schedule ✓Verified certificate Udemy — Introduction to Python Programming— Best for Beginners Free ✓ No prerequisites required ✓ Flexible schedule ...
Python入门(programming for everybody):共7周,涵盖教材前5章,有简单的quiz和assignment,完成后可获得证书。 Python数据结构(Python Data Structure):主要围绕list、dictionary、tuple,涵盖教材第6章到第10章,考试形式与第一门课程相同。 🎉 毕业典礼:Coursera有一个7天的免费试用期,好好利用这个机会,可以在家通过这...
Getting Started with Python is the first course in the specialization Python for Everybody. It covers Chapters 1-5 of the textbook Python for Informatics, which is the same material as the first half of the course Programming for Everybody (Python). ...
Coursera课程《Python数据结构》中课程目录 Python Data Structures Python Data Structures is the second course in the specialization Python for Everybody. It covers Chapters 6-10 of the textbook Python for Informatics, which is the same material as the second half of the course Programming for Every...
Python for Everybody Specialization | Coursera Learning Format: Certificate course Level: Beginner Subjects Covered: Python installation, Python syntax, and semantics, computer programming, data structures, SQL, database management systems, web scraping, XML, JSON, tuples, SQLite This program is a ...
wk9 - quiz.py Fixed all of the print statements Apr 23, 2022 Repository files navigation README python-for-everybody Class notes Course Link (Coursera): https://www.coursera.org/specializations/pythonAbout Class notes Resources Readme Activity Stars 217 stars Watchers 18 watching Forks ...