Exercise 1: Rewrite your pay computation to give the employee 1.5 times the hourly rate for hours worked above 40 hours.(练习1:重写您的薪资计算,以使雇员工作时间超过40小时以上的小时工资为1.5倍。) #练习1 prompt1 = input('Enter Hours:') Hours = int(prompt1) prompt2 = input('Enter Rate:...
输入7、2、bob、10和4,并匹配下面的输出。 标准答案是: Invalid input Maximum is 10 Minimum is 2 这是我写的代码:😢,我得到的答案全是 done 因为最后输入的是done…… 楼主是一个完全没学过编程的门外汉,现在在这一次的作业上面卡住了,对我来说真的是太难了!!!😢求助!谢谢🙏赞...
There is no limit on the number of statements that can appear in the body, but there must be at least one. Occasionally, it is useful to have a body with no statements (usually as a place holder for code you haven’t written yet). In that case, you can use thepassstatement to pas...
In this program, we have count and total variables to keep the number and running total of the user’s numbers as we repeatedly prompt the user for a number.We could simply remember each number as the user entered it and use built-in functions to compute the sum and count at the end....
standard hrs=input("Enter Hours:")rate=input("rate:")Pay=float(hrs)*float(rate)print("Pay:",Pay) 编辑于 2021-02-15 16:23 内容所属专栏 深度学习工程师笔记 想用笔记记录自己的成长 Python Coursera 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧 ...
Tuples Exercise 1: Revise a previous program as follows: Read and parse the “From” lines andpull out the addresses from the line. Count the number of
【Python for Everybody(Getting Started with Python)】Week 5 | Review:Chapter 3 题目汇总及个人答案 PY4E课程官网:https://www.py4e.com/ 参考文章: Python取整及保留小数小结 题目及答案汇总(Github) '='是赋值运算符,而不是比较/赋值运算符。 在python...,elif、else和if不会同时执行。 强调此处的"...
【Python for Everybody(Getting Started with Python)】Week 5 | Review:Chapter 3 题目汇总及个人答案 PY4E课程官网:https://www.py4e.com/ 参考文章: Python取整及保留小数小结 题目及答案汇总(Github) '='是赋值运算符,而不是比较/赋值运算符。 在python中一定要注意不要混用制表符tabs和空格space,不然很...
py4e 《Python for Everybody》适合所有人的 Python。不管你有没有编程基础,只要对编程感兴趣,都可以通过这本书学会 Python,进入有趣的编程世界。 项目地址 http://t.cn/A6KBSFfO