26. Data Science – Reddit Data Science subreddit提供了大量有关如何使用Python处理大型数据集并以有趣的方式处理它的资源。 27. Data science sexiness: Your guide to Python and R
Python languageis one of the best coding languages that you can start handling for your first data science project. This is a fantastic language that capable to take on all of the work that you want to do with data science and has the power that is needed to help create some greatmachine...
1. Reddit and Python Source: Reddit The self-appointed “front page of the Internet” is a popular source of dank memes, cat videos, and tight-knit community interactions alike. Why does Reddit love Python? Because of how readable and writable it is and the diverse array of ready-to-use...
Learning python is hard. But it’s important… Even for R users like me that have built successful careers as a Data Scientist, Consultants, and Trainers. Even for future data scientists that are just starting out trying to get a leg-up in the job mark..
1、Coffee Break Python Slicing: 24 Workouts to Master Slicing in Python, Once and for All 切片(Slicing)是 Python 里非常有用的一个功能,属于 Python 开发人员最基本的技能之一。 如果你是初学者而且想了解 Slicing,那么这本书绝对适合你。 链接: ...
28. Data Science Tutorial: Introduction to Using APIs in Python – Dataquest 在处理数据时,一项基本技能是访问Twitter,Reddit和Facebook使用的API服务,以暴露他们持有的某些数据量。本教程将帮助您了解Reddit API的示例,并帮助您了解在查询API时将获得的不同...
一些示例包括Stack Overflow、、Reddit和Sololearn。 第5 步:继续练习 学习是一个持续的过程。因此,在完成所有步骤后,请始终练习所学。以全职Python开发人员或兼职爱好者的身份参与游戏,在各个垂直行业中创建Python项目。 接下来,我们将最终揭晓2021年最好的Python工具和资源。 免费Python资源的前25个选择是:...
如果您想了解有关Python机器学习库的更多信息,建议您加入Python for Data Science和Machine Learning Bootcamp课程,这是我的最爱之一。 7.自动化 最初了解Python的原因是我的脚本需求之一。 我正在使用通过UDP接收消息的应用程序,但是出现问题,我们在日志中没有看到消息。