数据科学的Python 这是一个跟踪我在IBM Cognative课堂课程(即Python for Data Science)中取得的进展的存储库。 在课程结束时,我将获得一个可以证明我的成就的徽章。 以下是指向我的GitHub Gist的链接,该链接显示了我正在学习的内容以及在IBM Cognative课程中的学习进度
Another important thing to note is that this course is part of the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate and the IBM Analytics Professional Certificate. You don't need me to tell you the amazing boost an IBM Certification will give to your career prospects and how cool it will look on yo...
Kickstart your learning of Python for data science, as well as programming in general, with this beginner-friendly introduction to Python. Python is one of the world’s most popular programming languages, and there has never been greater demand for profe
This Python course provides a beginner-friendly introduction to Python for Data Science. Practice through lab exercises, and you'll be ready to create your first Python scripts on your own! Kickstart your learning of Python for data science, as well as p
Cost: Free (certificate available for $299) Length: 6 weeks (4–5 hours/week) Course learning goals: Explore advanced data science; train models; examine result; recognize data bias IBM: Machine Learning with Python course Data scientists from IBM guide students through machine learning algorithms...
2. 《Python Data Structures》 – 由密歇根大学开设的这门课程专注于Python编程语言中的数据结构和算法。它涵盖了列表、字典、元组、集合等常见的数据结构,并介绍了如何使用这些数据结构进行编程解决实际问题。 3. 《Python for Data Science and AI》 –由IBM开设的这门课程旨在帮助学习者掌握Python在数据科学和人工...
谷歌的Crash Course on Python:这个32小时的课程面向初学者,可帮助您了解Python及其在自动化中的重要性。它还指导您创建Python对象。 IBM的Python for Data Science, AI, & Development:这个17小时的课程有300,000多名学生注册,可帮助您学习用于Web开发、数据科学和人工智能的Python。
Pandas官网:Python Data Analysis Library Matplotlib官网:Matplotlib - Visualization with Python Sklearn...
4. edX上的《Python Basics for Data Science》(https://www.edx.org/professional-certificate/python-basics-for-data-science): 这门课程由IBM提供,专注于使用Python进行数据科学和分析的基础知识。课程内容包括Python编程基础、数据结构和算法、数据分析和可视化等。除了视频讲座和练习,课程还提供了案例和项目,使学...